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Pages using the property "Has description"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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.de +Welcoming page for potential members (Deutsche Version)  +
.fr +Welcoming page for potential members (Version Française)  +
.lu +Welcoming page for potential members (Lëtzebuergesch Versioun)  +


24 h electro for kids 2 +Du 16 janvier au 4 février 2012 l'espace "Aquarium" de la Rockhal se transformera une fois de plus en terrain de jeu et laboratoire sonore. Au programme, 6 installations qui mettront à l'honneur l'expérimentation, le jeu collectif et la découverte des sons électro-acoustiques dans une ambiance ludique.  +
25ième Foire de l'Etudiant +"Salon ciblant les étudiants à la recherche d'informations supplémentaires concernant leur orientation professionnelle et leurs études."  +
28C3 +The Chaos Communication Congress the annual four-day conference organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) in Berlin, Germany. First held in 1984, it has since established itself as “The European Hacker Conference” attracting a diverse audience of thousands of hackers, scientists, artists, and utopists from all around the world.  +
29C3 - Congress everywhere +After being in Berlin for fourteen years in Berlin, this year the annual CCC Congress moved back to Hamburg. Like the years before, every hacker in and around Luxembourg who does not has the possibility to travel to Hamburg is invited to join us to watch the streams together.  +


30C3 Congress Everywhere +Live broadcast of the talks from the biggest european hacker conference.  +
31C3 Congress Everywhere +Live broadcast of the talks from the biggest european hacker conference.  +
3d printing 101 +I'll try to cover all necessary aspects of 3d modeling and printing. No previous experience with 3d printing or 3d design required.  +


6th FrOSCon +Freie Software und Open Source – das sind die Themen der FrOSCon (Free and Open Source Software Conference). Jedes Jahr bietet der Fachbereich Informatik der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg mit Hilfe der LUUSA und des FrOSCon e.V. am dritten Augustwochenende seinen Besuchern ein spannendes Programm mit Vorträgen, Workshops und einer Ausstellung. Am Samstagabend bietet das Social Event die Möglichkeit, sich mit anderen Besuchern, Vortragenden oder Helfern auszutauschen.  +


Accounting and technical challenges of Bitcoin payments +digital currency definition, history and current state (5 min). demonstration of a payment in the bitcoin network (5 min). importing private keys (5 min). accounting challenges (5 min). security risks (10 min). privacy concerns (5 min). workshop (10+ min).  +
Ada Lovelace Day +Ada Lovelace Day aims to raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths by encouraging people around the world to talk about the women whose work they admire. This international day of celebration helps people learn about the achievements of women in STEM, inspiring others and creating new role models for young and old alike. (  +
Anno 1900 +"Am 24. und 25. September findet im Süden Luxemburgs, in Petange, die erste Steampunk Convention statt. Die Con wird auf einem wunderschönen Areal stattfinden:"  +
Apps Foundry Contest +Apps Foundry Contest is a 36Hrs mobile apps coding and design challenge being held in the Technoport in Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette from the 17th to 19th of June. Exquisite keynote speakers Chris Redlitz Founder of Kicklabs and Brian Wong Founder CEO of Kiip. Exceptional jury members: Soren Vang Andersen, head of R&D at Skype. Amazing sponsors: Softkenetic, Kabam to state a few.  +
Atari ST Knowhow Workshop 1 +History of the Atari ST and it's programming scene. <br /> This is part 1 of a series of workshops <br /> Language: luxembourgish  +
Atari ST Knowhow Workshop 2 +how you can boost the limited hardware by adding stuff or more originally by just using programming wizardry  +
Atari ST Knowhow Workshop 3 +The internal workings of the world famous ULM parallax distorter  +
Atari ST Knowhow Workshop 4 +Getting into the detail to make the hardware do what you want  +
Atari ST Knowhow Workshop 5 +The most basic effect seen in all demos. A scrolling text.  +
Atari ST Knowhow Workshop 6 +Based on workshop 5 we will add interrupts for some special effects.  +
Atari ST Knowhow Workshop 7 +One instruction to rule them all  +


BOINC2syn +BOINC uses personal computers / server's processor units overcapacity to support their own scientific calculations.  +
BeNeLux Bioinformatics Conference +The BeNeLux Bioinformatics Conference (BBC) will be hosted in Luxembourg for the first time, and CRP-Santé will lead its organization in partnership with other local institutions. BBC will be held on 12 and 13 December 2011, and will showcase research advances from the region and beyond.  +
Bend til it stands +Basically it is a tutorial for the Science festival 2011. Besides, learn how to form roses, bicycles, and rings out of copper wire.  +
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