Hardware Wish-List

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As you all know there will be Christmas soon. Not that we are the religious kind-a-type but we have been offered a very interesting opportunity.
=The Big Wishlist=
This list contains everything which we would like to have donated or purchased for the syn<sub>2</sub>cat hackerspace. There is stuff of any kind, gadget, toy, tool, electronics tool-set, computer equipment ...
A generous donor, that still needs to be anonymous, has offered to buy us stuff from a wishlist.
Make your choice.
Terms and Conditions:
To submit your offer, simply send a mail to info@hackerspace.lu
* Needs to be on there BEFORE the 15th of December
This list does not contain anymore the items we already got, this can be found on [[Infrastructure]].
* HAS to be Cool
* Can really be close to anything that we might need in the space
Just add your favorite gadget, toy, tool, electronics tool-set, 30 terabyte hard disk, Deep Blue, nuclear reactor, MRI, Bio degradable
<br style="clear: both" />
chair, whatever your project needs... to the list:
<table><tr><td valign=top>
= X-Mas 2009 Wish-list =
= To be sorted =
* Nappy pins
* Light table
* http://store.makerbot.com/featured-products/cupcake-cnc-deluxe-kit.html
=General tools=
* http://mindstorms.lego.com/Products/NXT/Default.aspx note that there are different sets available. And as separate parts there are also Infrared Seeker, Compass, Gyroscope and RF ID sensors.
* Roomba: http://www.irobot.com/uk/home_robots.cfm depending on location and shop there are different versions available. We would need one for big rooms. In order of preference: 581, 580, 560 (seen in Cactus), 555 (seen in HiFi), 550 (seen in Cactus)
; sander (Schleifmaschine)
* Access to http://metalib.etat.lu/ AND the IEEE set of journals.
[[File:Orbital sander.png|right]]
:And kind will do, belt or flat.
<br style="clear: both" />
; Thermal imaging camera
<br style="clear: both" />
; High speed slow motion camera
* Proxxon Power Tools
** Proxxon Eckenschleifer OZI 220/E ~94€
** Proxxon Blockbandschleifer BBS/S ~110€
** Proxxon TischBohrmaschine (TBD) ~300€
** Proxxon Compact Werkstattsauger CW-matic ~150€
** Proxxon Präzisionsdrehmaschine PD 230/E (Metal Lathe) ~699€
*** Späne-Auffangwanne mit Spritzschutz für die Drehmaschine PD 230/E
*** Zusatzmaterial für Drehmaschine
<br style="clear: both" />
; welding equipment
: We have not yet started to do metal work, but there are already ideas what to build.
<br style="clear: both" />
; Fully equipped tool box (or just the tools)
:; Pliers, cutters etc...
::Always good to have in your tool box
<br style="clear: both" />
:; Good quality bolt and screwdrivers
::Some tools are already in our collection, more is always better. If you want to buy, a good quality company is [http://www.proxxon.com/ proxxon].  
<br style="clear: both" />
:; Screws and bolts
::well we need to fix stuff!
<br style="clear: both" />
* Proper Tools: http://www.proxxon.com/ OR Similar
* Proper Tools: http://www.proxxon.com/ OR Similar
* [http://www.hflaser.com/Laser-Cutter.html LaserCutter] - will need activated carbon air filter too ([http://www.fumex.se/www/files/eng/mobfilter_industry/mf/product_sheet/prod_mf_eng.pdf FUMEX MF])
** Proxxon Rollgabelschlüssel RG 200, RG 250 und RG 300 all 3 ~90€
* A stereo microscope with camera (soldering/demos)
** Proxxon MICRO-Click Drehmomentschrauber 5/S ~70€
* Digital Camera to Record Workshops
** Proxxon Komplettsatz mit Knüppelratschen S und L (1/4'' und 1/2''), 65-teilig ~112€
* 1-5TB small RAID array or Linux server (music, backups)
* Small CNC mill for making circuit boards or parts (available used locally)
* Metal lathe
* Nice SMD soldering station(s)
=Electronics Lab=
* Swarm Robots - http://warrantyvoidifremoved.com/formica
* 2 or three comfy couches, at least one of which must be a sofabed
'''Must have'''
* PCB etching equipment
* [[Infrastructure#Entertainment|comprehensive collection of hacker- and cyberpunk motion pictures]]
* [http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/Logic_Analyzer Logic Analzer]
* Audiovisual equipment:  
* Digital Storage Oscilloscope (hackable: rigol ds2072)
** complete sattelite system comprising a [http://www.dream-multimedia-tv.de/dm-8000-hd-pvr DM8000], a multifeed dish with all cabling, switch and a post to put on the roof. Can all be found at http://www.sattv.lu/.
** HDTV set with a nice size or a HD projector so we can enjoy the HD awsomness of movies and self-made videos. Model/brand choices will soon been filled out here.
* Spectrum Analyzer
** HD capable video camera: any suggestions?
* Ersa/Weller Soldering Tips (Note what types we need [[User:Slopjong|Slopjong]])
** do we already have a BD capable device? Else a BD player or PS3 (about the PS3, the new "slim" versions don't support linux anymore)
* Boardgames: [http://www.amazon.com/Rio-Grande-Games-Ricochet-Robots/dp/B0002V5EVW Ricochet Robots] , [http://www.amazon.de/Kosmos-687618-KOSMOS-Kahuna/dp/B00006YYP0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys&qid=1257612905&sr=8-1 Kahuna]
'''Nice to have twice'''
* a shower box (with back wall). At Hornbach a simple one costs 400 and the fully featured with steam bath, seat, mirror and more gimmicks costs 1000.
* Labo Power Supplies (stable & adjustable)
* [http://www.voelkner.de/products/47525/Bestueckungsrahmen.html Bestückungsrahmen]
* Soldering Iron/Station
'''Nice to have'''
* 4 channel power supply: http://www.testequipmentdepot.com/hameg/powersupplies/hmp4040.htm  2000€
* Stereo microscope(s) (for circuit analysis / fine solder work)
* USB I/O board to connect to a PC, example [http://www.codemercs.com/index.php?id=79&L=1 :IO-Warrior56 starter kit] ~83€
* [http://warrantyvoidifremoved.com/formica Swarm Robots] ~20€ each
<!-- Uncomment the following items if there are concrete projects -->
<!-- We don't have enough space otherwise.                        -->
* solar panels and cells
* laser cutter
* Steel or Ceramic table for etching / chemistry work (see [[ChemLab]]) (slopjong: no need of such a table. The sodium persulfate doesn't harm a wood table.)
* Chemistry glassware, bunsen burner, scale, spoons etc. (slopjong: we have all we need)
* Humanoid robot e.g. Robonova or Bioloid ((slopjong: one more toy? Not enough space at the moment)
Also visit this [https://source.hacker.lu/projects/e-lab/wiki/Wiki E-Lab page]
</td><td valign=top>
=household items=
; pots
: cooking pots should be induction capable
: other pots for serving salad, pasta, soup
; scale
:We have one up to 500g but would like to weight heavier stuff.
<br style="clear: both" />
; kitchen robot
:One of those multi functional mixers (a handheld mixer we have)
<br style="clear: both" />
; Blender
:We sometimes have an urgent need for mixing fruit juice. Please don't give us a BlendTec Blender, else we would in fact need two, one for the Kitchen and one for the Lab to see if [http://www.willitblend.com/videos/view/117 it will blend]
<br style="clear: both" />
; 2nd Frying pan (for induction)
:We have an inductive cooking place but only one pan. Pots are OK.
; Roomba
:As there are sometimes problems to motivate people to wipe the floors, why not ask a robot to do it?
<br style="clear: both" />
; sofa bed
:Sometimes we are really sleepy...
<br style="clear: both" />
; shower box
:This would be really useful not just for our wellness (for that a visit to nearby Les Themes is better) but rather for the security resons when handling dangerous substances (e.g. during PCB etching).
<br style="clear: both" />
= for our museum =
;Amiga 1000
;Sinclair ZX81
[[File:Sinclair ZX81.jpg|200px]]
;Sinclair Spectrum
= Entertainment =
* Complete Hacker/Cyberpunk-Movie Collection on DVDs or BDs (if there's a player...)
:: [http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/hacking101/a/hackermovies.htm The 20 Best Hacker Movies]
:: [http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/hacker-movies/ Hacker Movies in Cyberpunk]
:: [http://www.cyberpunkreview.com/cyberpunk-movies-by-decade/ Cyberpunk Movies by Decade]
; Plexiglass
; Metal scafolding
; screws and bolts
; dowels for hole walls (Hohlraumdübel) and for
; Weather Balloon
:The idea is to start an experiment to the rim of outer space
=Gadgets and toys=
; Pinball machine
:The most geeky thing the gaming industry ever produced. Some real great machines exist
; smartphones or wifi gadgets
:We use a [[OpenDuino|wifi system]] for the access to our rooms
; Board Games
:Yes, the analog style. Some are already available like GO, Risk, puzzles ...
; Model Stirling Engine
; A really nice and cool laser (yes this is not necessarily a gadget! Handle with care)
; Night vision scope/goggles
; Music Keyboard / Synthesizer
=Computer equipment=
; USB Keyboard or adapters to connect PS2 devices onto USB ports
; USB Mouse
; WiFi AP
; Infrared security cameras
; [[wish_good_workstation| Good computer workstation]] [[User:sim0n|sim0n]]
; [http://www.alternate.de/html/product/Hewlett-Packard/V1910-48G/824866/? 48-port switch for camp and events] [[User:sim0n|sim0n]]
; 1-4x [http://www.alternate.de/html/product/Netgear/GS116E/837112/? Energy saving 16-port Gb switches] [[User:sim0n|sim0n]]
=Audio/Video equipment=
; Sound recording and manipulation hardware
; Video projector and replacement bulbs
; Video projection screen (rollable)
; Digital Camera with Microphone and Tripod
:to Record Workshops held at our premisses
; A hacker friendly sattelite reciever: [http://www.dream-multimedia-tv.de/dm-8000-hd-pvr DM8000]
; HD TV and BluRay player (PS3 also suitable)
:for our regular cybermovie nights
* [http://www.zeiss.de/C1256CFB00332E16/0/ED9228E2CC45EFABC1256DFD002B59A7/$file/60-2-0034_d.pdf A stereo microscope with camera (soldering/demos) (PDF brochure)] ~1500€
** need some help with choosing the optics, I think: Stemi DV4 Spot + Stativ C LED + Console U + Okularadapter M + Storage Box C
; Microscope(s)
=Specialized tools and machinery=
Also called the expensive section
; [http://www.ettus.com/products USRP(2) (Universal Software Radio Peripheral)] 1600$
; (Metal/Wood) Lathe (Drehmaschine)
; CNC mill
* Proxxon Präzisionsdrehmaschine PD 230/E (Metal Lathe) ~699€
** Späne-Auffangwanne mit Spritzschutz für die Drehmaschine PD 230/E
** Zusatzmaterial für Drehmaschine
; [http://www.air-vac-eng.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=AS&Category_Code=PVSG, PVSG Vacuum Desoldering System]
; [http://www.abacomdirect.com/p-176-ezpick-smt-pick-and-place-system.aspx pick and place manual vacuum/suction tool (this might get too advanced)] ~700$ + delivery
; laser cutter
:This machine allows us to cut various complex pieces out of material like plastic, wood or metal. The [Makerbot] is build with pieces cut with a lasercutter. Some suppliers of theese machines: [http://www.hflaser.com/Laser-Cutter.html LaserCutter] [http://www.pfeifer-graviermaschinen.de/p405-Lasertechnik-Skylaser_8050N.htm?showMenu=14] [http://www.pfeifer-graviermaschinen.de/staticPage,home/] [http://www.trotec.net/020+Products/_de-DE/005+CO2+Laser+Systems.htm] [http://www.novograv-laser.com/start.htm] . Note that a laser cutter needs an air filter too [http://www.fumex.se/www/files/eng/mobfilter_industry/mf/product_sheet/prod_mf_eng.pdf NEED FUMEX MF]

Revision as of 19:33, 16 November 2013


The Big Wishlist

This list contains everything which we would like to have donated or purchased for the syn2cat hackerspace. There is stuff of any kind, gadget, toy, tool, electronics tool-set, computer equipment ...

Make your choice.

To submit your offer, simply send a mail to info@hackerspace.lu

This list does not contain anymore the items we already got, this can be found on Infrastructure.

To be sorted

  • Nappy pins
  • Light table

General tools

sander (Schleifmaschine)
Orbital sander.png
And kind will do, belt or flat.

Thermal imaging camera

High speed slow motion camera

welding equipment
We have not yet started to do metal work, but there are already ideas what to build.

Fully equipped tool box (or just the tools)
Pliers, cutters etc...
Always good to have in your tool box

Good quality bolt and screwdrivers
Some tools are already in our collection, more is always better. If you want to buy, a good quality company is proxxon.

Screws and bolts
well we need to fix stuff!

Electronics Lab

Must have

  • Logic Analzer
  • Digital Storage Oscilloscope (hackable: rigol ds2072)
  • Spectrum Analyzer
  • Ersa/Weller Soldering Tips (Note what types we need Slopjong)

Nice to have twice

Nice to have

Also visit this E-Lab page

household items

cooking pots should be induction capable
other pots for serving salad, pasta, soup
We have one up to 500g but would like to weight heavier stuff.

kitchen robot
One of those multi functional mixers (a handheld mixer we have)

We sometimes have an urgent need for mixing fruit juice. Please don't give us a BlendTec Blender, else we would in fact need two, one for the Kitchen and one for the Lab to see if it will blend

2nd Frying pan (for induction)
We have an inductive cooking place but only one pan. Pots are OK.
As there are sometimes problems to motivate people to wipe the floors, why not ask a robot to do it?

sofa bed
Sometimes we are really sleepy...

shower box
This would be really useful not just for our wellness (for that a visit to nearby Les Themes is better) but rather for the security resons when handling dangerous substances (e.g. during PCB etching).

for our museum

Amiga 1000


Sinclair ZX81

Sinclair ZX81.jpg

Sinclair Spectrum



  • Complete Hacker/Cyberpunk-Movie Collection on DVDs or BDs (if there's a player...)
The 20 Best Hacker Movies
Hacker Movies in Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk Movies by Decade


Metal scafolding
screws and bolts
dowels for hole walls (Hohlraumdübel) and for
Weather Balloon
The idea is to start an experiment to the rim of outer space

Gadgets and toys

Pinball machine
The most geeky thing the gaming industry ever produced. Some real great machines exist
smartphones or wifi gadgets
We use a wifi system for the access to our rooms
Board Games
Yes, the analog style. Some are already available like GO, Risk, puzzles ...
Model Stirling Engine
A really nice and cool laser (yes this is not necessarily a gadget! Handle with care)
Night vision scope/goggles
Music Keyboard / Synthesizer

Computer equipment

USB Keyboard or adapters to connect PS2 devices onto USB ports
USB Mouse
Infrared security cameras
Good computer workstation sim0n
48-port switch for camp and events sim0n
1-4x Energy saving 16-port Gb switches sim0n

Audio/Video equipment

Sound recording and manipulation hardware
Video projector and replacement bulbs
Video projection screen (rollable)
Digital Camera with Microphone and Tripod
to Record Workshops held at our premisses
A hacker friendly sattelite reciever
HD TV and BluRay player (PS3 also suitable)
for our regular cybermovie nights

Specialized tools and machinery

Also called the expensive section

USRP(2) (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) 1600$
(Metal/Wood) Lathe (Drehmaschine)
CNC mill
  • Proxxon Präzisionsdrehmaschine PD 230/E (Metal Lathe) ~699€
    • Späne-Auffangwanne mit Spritzschutz für die Drehmaschine PD 230/E
    • Zusatzmaterial für Drehmaschine
PVSG Vacuum Desoldering System
pick and place manual vacuum/suction tool (this might get too advanced) ~700$ + delivery
laser cutter
This machine allows us to cut various complex pieces out of material like plastic, wood or metal. The [Makerbot] is build with pieces cut with a lasercutter. Some suppliers of theese machines: LaserCutter [1] [2] [3] [4] . Note that a laser cutter needs an air filter too NEED FUMEX MF

Personal tools
