System messages

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maps-copycoords-prompt (Talk)CTRL+C, ENTER
maps-desc (Talk)Enables embedding of dynamic maps into wiki pages, geocoding of addresses and other geographical operations.
maps-displaymap-description (Talk)Display geographical maps without any wiki-defined markers on them.
maps-displaymap-par-centre (Talk)Allows setting the coordinates of the map's center for display_point(s). Accepts both addresses and coordinates. When this property is not provided, the map will center itself on the provided marker, or between the provided markers.
maps-displaymap-par-circles (Talk)Circles to display
maps-displaymap-par-coordinates (Talk)One or more locations to display on the map. They will be indicated with a marker.
maps-displaymap-par-copycoords (Talk)If a dialog from which the coordinates of a location should be shown when clicking something
maps-displaymap-par-icon (Talk)Allows setting the icon used for all markers.
maps-displaymap-par-label (Talk)Allows setting text that will be displayed in the pop-ups of all markers that do not have a specific label.
maps-displaymap-par-lines (Talk)Lines to display
maps-displaymap-par-mappingservice (Talk)Allows setting the mapping service that will be used to generate the map.
maps-displaymap-par-maxzoom (Talk)The maximum zoom level
maps-displaymap-par-minzoom (Talk)The minimum zoom level
maps-displaymap-par-polygons (Talk)Polygons to display
maps-displaymap-par-rectangles (Talk)Rectangles to display
maps-displaymap-par-static (Talk)If the map should be static
maps-displaymap-par-title (Talk)Allows setting text that will be displayed in the pop-ups of all markers that do not have a specific title. When used together with label, the title will be bold and underlined.
maps-displaymap-par-visitedicon (Talk)The filename of an image to be used for marker icons after the original markers have been clicked
maps-displaymap-par-wmsoverlay (Talk)Use a WMS overlay
maps-displaymap-par-zoom (Talk)Allows setting the zoom level of the map. When not provided and multiple markers are present on the map, the best fitting zoom will be taken, not the configurable default.
maps-displaypoint-description (Talk)Display geographical maps with one or more wiki-defined markers on them.
maps-distance-description (Talk)Convert a distance using a certain supported unit to its equivalent using another unit.
maps-distance-par-decimals (Talk)The maximum number of fractional digits to use in the resulting value.
maps-distance-par-distance (Talk)The distance to convert to its equivalent with a specified unit.
maps-distance-par-unit (Talk)The unit to output the distance in.
maps-error-invalid-layertype (Talk)There are no layers of type "$1". Only {{PLURAL:$3|this type is|these types are}} supported: $2
maps-error-no-layertype (Talk)You need to specify the layer type. {{PLURAL:$2|Only this type is|These types are}} supported: $1
maps-finddestination-description (Talk)Find a destination given a starting point (that can be in any of the supported formats), an initial bearing and a distance.
maps-finddestination-par-allowcoordinates (Talk)Indicates if coordinates should be allowed. If set to no, only addresses will be accepted.
maps-finddestination-par-bearing (Talk)The initial bearing.
maps-finddestination-par-directional (Talk)Indicates if the format of the destination should be directional or not.
maps-finddestination-par-distance (Talk)The distance to travel.
maps-finddestination-par-format (Talk)The format in which to output the destination.
maps-finddestination-par-geoservice (Talk)The geocoding service to use to geocode the value in case it is an address.
maps-finddestination-par-location (Talk)The initial location.
maps-finddestination-par-mappingservice (Talk)Parameter to indicate the mapping service to use with this function. This will allow maps to override the default value of the service parameter by the one that is optimal for the mapping service. (Example: In case of Google Maps, the Google geocoder will be used.)
maps-fullscreen-button (Talk)Toggle fullscreen
maps-fullscreen-button-tooltip (Talk)View the map as fullscreen or embedded.
maps-geocode-description (Talk)Enables the geocoding of addresses, in other words, turning human readable locations into sets of coordinates. There is support for several geocoding services, which should not be confused with mapping services.
maps-geocode-par-allowcoordinates (Talk)Allows disabling the support for coordinates in this function. Must be either yes or no. When no, every value will be geocoded, even valid coordinates.
maps-geocode-par-directional (Talk)Indicates if the coordinates should be outputted directional or not.
maps-geocode-par-format (Talk)The format for the resulting coordinates.
maps-geocode-par-geoservice (Talk)This parameter allows you to indicate you are using this geocoding request in combination with a specific mapping service. Each mapping service can have overrides over the default value for the geocoding service. This is for legal considerations, since you cannot use the Google Geocoding service except together with Google Maps. Setting this parameter and not the parameter for the service, will ensure you are not using an invalid combination.
maps-geocode-par-location (Talk)The address you want to geocode.
maps-geocode-par-mappingservice (Talk)The geocoding service you want to use. See the available geocoding services.
maps-geocoder-not-available (Talk)The geocoding feature of Maps is not available. Your location cannot be geocoded.
maps-geodistance-description (Talk)Calculate the geographical distance between two points, from and to any of the supported formats.
maps-geodistance-par-decimals (Talk)The maximum number of fractional digits to use in the resulting value.
maps-geodistance-par-geoservice (Talk)The mapping service this parser function is used together with. This can affect the default geocoding service value.
maps-geodistance-par-location1 (Talk)The first point in the set to calculate the distance between.
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