Shortcrust Cookies
From syn2cat -
This is the recipe to make the best cookies ever.
- 4 eggs
- 500g sugar
- 250g butter
- 250g margarine
- 1000g flour
- 1 baking powder
- 1 vanilated sugar
- 1 tablespoon rhum
- 2 tablespoon cream
- 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
- 1 tablespoon rhum
Mix the eggs with the sugar until it becomes a foamy mass
Add the butter and margarine
Add the rest of the stuff baking powder, vanillated sugar, rhum and step by step the flour.
Use batting tool and later knitting tool in the mixer.
When finished form a big clump, cover with cling film and put into fridge for 2 hours.
When dough is cold, depending on cookies form, take out and form into rolls and put back for 1 hour into fridge then cut rolls into discs. Or roll out into sheet and then cut into shapes.
Decorate shapes with glaze
Bake for 5min at 200°C