From syn2cat -
A Jingle should be short, "clean" and to the point.
Bare in mind what kind of jingle you make, like: Intro, Outro, Time, Weather etc...
No overlapping Voices (confuses)
Same quality sounds
Same Volume sounds
Matching BPS sounds
Intro Jingle
Steve's Idea
Bios CODES (not implemented yet) Mario on Stepper motors (sped-up) Followed by Voodoo People sound byte (sped-up)
- Steve's try: Voodoo Mario
- Another try: Unbelievable, Hackers created with traverso.
- Try 2: Unbelievable, Hackers II.
- Try 3: Unbelievable, Hackers III.
Project files are available on simple demand and will be made available as download, as their size increases quite exponentially.