General Assembly March 2011

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General Assembly March 2011
Type of Event: Meeting
From: 2011/03/05 06:00:00 PM
Till: 2011/03/05 09:00:00 PM
Recurring: no
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Kwisatz (mail)
Where: Hackerspace, Strassen (11, rue du Cimetière, L-8018 Strassen, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-6ad47211264e9f63de0cf3f914c5cc87.png
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Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no

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[edit] Dear syn2cat members,

with another successful year gone by, and the number of members still growing, we come to the point in time where another General Assembly (GA) is to take place.

This email thus serves as a formal invitation to the General Assembly on March 5th 2011, starting at 6pm (18h00).

The agenda for the General Assembly is composed of the following points:

  1. Welcoming speech by the secretary general
  2. Modification of the membership fee to a minimum of 9.5 EUR
  3. Presentation and discussion of modifications to the statutes
  4. Presentation of 2010's receipts and expenditures
  5. Discharge of the treasurer by our auditors (lmamane, emQue)
  6. Election of a new administrative council
  7. Election of a new treasurer
  8. Election of two new secretaries
  9. Call for two financial auditors for 2011

There are a couple of additional things you should know:

A) If you cannot attend the assembly personally, you're allowed and even encouraged to have yourself represented by an adult person of your choice. We will accept either pgp-signed emails or analogue signatures as prove of this delegation on that same day.

B) You're also encouraged to stand for elections. Note that if you want to stand for elections to the positions of Secretary-General or Secretary-Deputy, you need to apply twice (once for the council, once for the position of Secretary)

How to apply for either election: At least 24 hours prior to the GA, i.e. latest at 17:59 on March 4th 2011, you need to send a PRIVATE email to the current council at (Do not reply to this email)

Also remember that we decided on the last GA that every applicant to the position of Secretary should present his ideas and goals for the forthcoming legislative period (year). [A 5 min lightning talk is totally ok.]

For simplicity's sake, we ask that even members of the sorting council submit their applications.

C) Amendments to the statutes must also be entered at least 24hours before the General Assembly takes place and equally be sent to

The current version of our statutes can be found here.

Looking forward to seeing you in March, David

[edit] Minutes

Beginning of meeting: 18:22
Members present: 23
Non-present members represented: 4
Total: 27/40 = 67.5% > 66.6%

1) Introduction speech by David

In 3 years existence we got from 17 members to 40 members. There are 16 projects running.
We organized ourselves with working groups and bootstrap meetings.
What next? The space is like a stage, you are in the audience or on the stage.
The change of the council brings in new ideas
Stepping down changes the view to the outside which also brings up new ideas
How much do you want to be involved in decision making
How formal do you want to be (how many rules?)


  • involve all members
  • reduce administrative overhead
  • improve inter-group communication
  • keep a shallow hierarchy
If we get various funding, this needs dedicated liaison officers with the various institutions (FNR, SNJ)

2) Membership fee

The new fee of minumum 9.5€ is accepted by 100%

3) statutes change

After presenting the general idea of the voting system some discussion araised about the complex wording. 
The assembly takes the following decisions with 100% of the votes
  • the statutes change on the voting system is approved to use a ballot with 10 votes per sheet as proposed
  • a commission composed of Lionel and Gunstick is approved to choose a concise and correct wording.

3) finances

The finances are presented and approved via applause by the assembly. 
Some more explanations were given by the auditors which found some little discrepancies which happend in the early months of the association.

Some general notes about buying stuff:

  • if it's for a project, ask for approval at a bootstrap meeting
  • if it's for the space
    • less than 50€ cas be approves by the tresurere or office member
    • more than 50€ has to be approved on bootstrap and by office

4) presentation of new secretaries (Marc and Jan)

A flat "hierarchy" is preferred so that there is a close interaction between the office and the members

Everyone is concerned, it's everybody's hackerspace

There are 2 views:
  • respect the infrastructure
  • support local projects
  • enhance the hackerspace image via publishing, new members, new grounds
More member advantages
  • syn2day conferences by members or by external people
  • member card advantages
  • geekdinner to get to know each other better
Final word: we are syn2cat  so we count on you.

5) election of new council

By secret vote the 7 candidates are all approved to be member of the office

6) election of the secretaries and treasurer

All 3 candidates are elected 
Secretary general: Marc Teusch
Secretrary deputy: Jan Guth
Treasurer: Georges Toth

D) Presentations

- 2011.. the year we made contact by prometheus & mAcfreAk (Presidency)

End of meeting: 20:30

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