Extraordinary General Assembly November 2009
![]() Extraordinay General Assembly
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Type of Event: | Meeting |
From: | 2009/11/08 03:00:00 PM |
Till: | 2009/11/08 05:00:00 PM |
Recurring: | no |
Organizer: | |
Cost: | 0 EUR0 $ 0 £ 0 CHF |
Mandatory registration: |
Attendees: | Log-in to RSVP |
Contact Person(s): | Kwisatz (mail), SteveClement (mail), Tschew (mail), Macfreak109 (mail), Xx5y (mail) |
Keywords: | |
Location | |
Where: | Hackerspace, Strassen (11, rue du Cimetière, L-8018 Strassen, Luxembourg) |
Map: |
Tools | |
QrCode: | ![]() |
Add to your calendar: | Download … further results |
Alternate picture: | None |
Announce globally: | no |
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Fellow members and sympathizers of the syn2cat hackerspace.lu a.s.b.l.
In accordance with Art. 13 [0] of our statutes, you have hereby been formally invited to participate in an extraordinary General Assembly which will take place
on Sunday, November 8th 2009, 3pm at the Hackerspace in 11, rue du Cimetière in Strassen, Luxembourg
Its main objective is a change of the statutes.
Will have an active right to vote only those who have paid their membership fees for the running year (i.e. 42/21€) or a full, yearly membership fee (i.e. at least 72€) before November 1st. [1]
Please note that at least 2/3 (two thirds) of all active members will have to be present in order for a change of the statutes to be accepted [2].
Also note that you can choose to be represented (and have your vote cast) by any other active member [0].
You can do so by letting the council know of your decision and the person representing you by stating so in an email with a valid pgp signature or outfitting chosen person with a signed sheet of paper.
If you have any suggestions as to the order of the day, please submit them at least 48 hours before the General Assembly.
Yours faithfully,
David Raison, secretary general
Order of the day
- Welcoming speech by the administrative council
- Presentation of the changes to the statutes
- Suggestions of changes to the statutes by members in the audience
- Debate on membership forms and fees (Art. 6)
- Vote of the changes
- Debate on 'recruiting new members'
- Debate on Voting system for purchases and subscriptions
- Open call for participation on our X-Mas wishlist and Book wishlist
- Misc.
- Closure
Suggested changes to the statutes
- Le nom de l'association est à changer comme suit:
- "syn2cat a.s.b.l. - Association pour l'encouragement des innovations sociales et techniques"
- Le siège social de l'association est à changer à
- 11, rue du Cimetière
- Pavillon "Am Hueflach"
- L-8081 Strassen
- L'article 6 est à changer comme suit:
- "La cotisation annuelle minimale est fixé à 72€. L'association encourage une cotisation reflètant les moyens financiers des membres respectifs. Toutefois, elle ne pourra dépasser 600€"
- La deuxième partie de l'article 18 est à changer comme suit:
- "S'y ajoute un groupe de travail composé de membres effectifs spécifiquement désignés par le Conseil d'Administration."
- L'article 22 est à changer comme suit:
- "En cas de dissolution de l'association, ses biens matériaux seront sujets à une vente aux enchères. Les crédits résultants seront laissés aux bons soins d'une entité à désigner par l'Assemblée Générale, en vue de les mettre à disposition de projets similaires.
General Assembly syn2cat 8 november 2009
Time: 15:20
Present: 12 Members By procuration: 3 Members
Total: 15 of 23
2/3 presence is given.
Welcoming speech by the administrative council
Short welcome
Presentation of the changes to the statutes
The name change is accepted with 100% votes of present members.
The location change is accepted with 100% votes of present members.
After discussion the article 6 is changed to "La cotisation est fixée par l'assemblée générale. L'association encourage une cotisation reflètant les moyens financiers des membres respectifs. Toutefois, elle ne pourra dépasser 600€ par an."
Modification of article 18 is accepted by 100% of present members.
The modification of article 22 to auction off at dissolution has been rejected by 14 no votes against 1 yes. Spelling error in that article "entité"
Suggestions of changes to the statutes by members in the audience
The suggestion to add to article 1 that the "siege social" can be changed by the council is rejected by majority of votes.
Debate on membership forms and fees (Art. 6)
After long discussion about monthly or yearly payments and memberships the following consensus was found. This was also based on the idea that the hackerspace should be accessible to anyone.
"La cotisation anuelle est fixée à 72€ minimum. Les membres sont autorisés à étaler leurs payements sur 12 traites au maximum. Les nouveaux membres payent leur cotisation au pro rata arrondi au mois d'entrée. Le conseil d'administration peut dispenser un membre en difficultées financières de cotisation."
Vote of the changes
Proposition for membership fees accepted by majority votes of present members.
Debate on 'recruiting new members'
General opinion is that regular presence in media is good and that members should talk and promote syn2cat in their social environment.
Debate on Voting system for purchases and subscriptions
Discussion about how to avoid spending for silly things or spend more than we have available. Subscriptions are quite expensive per year. Bartek proposes to ask members to bring their read magazines to the space instead of stocking them at home. This makes the hackerspace dependent on external subscriptions. It's still kept for trial. Marc proposes to look out for sponsored or free magazines. Some editors also have special rebates for schools and students we could try to obtain. Also to consider is that magazines like c't are quickly loosing their interest in time whereas magazines like elektor contain information useful for several years. We should concentrate on magazines with lasting usage. Access to metalib (see christmas wishlist) was also discussed.
"Members can create a vote for an expenditure. The vote is limited in time and the simple majority of all voting people counts. This procedure can not be used to spend money budgeted by the treasurer on future expenses"
accepted by 100% of present members.
Open call for participation on our X-Mas wishlist and Book wishlist
The sponsor has a preference for robotics, and may even invite to the 2010 robot football championship in Vienna.
Q: what is the relation of syn2cat to lilux and C3L
A: C3L uses the paying access to the space. For 6€ per day present they get exclusive use of one room for 5 hours and their members have that whole day (24h) access to all infrastructure. LiLux have done only one meeting at the location.
Q: political orientation
A: in principle the hackerspace is political neutral. There won't be any political parties which are allowed to hold their meetings at the premises.
Q: how is the access managed
A: there is no problem to get keys from the commune. The alarm tags are a problem because the company has gone out of business, so we can't get more tags. Maybe the commune needs to install a new alarm system and/or include the building into the commune central access system.
Another idea is to change the locks or add our own locks. This can be problematic for firefighters. A couple of keys has to be given to the responsible person in commune of Strassen.
Q: Nicolas asks if is there an interest for a dedicated electronics and soldering table.
A: yes. this table should be really dedicated to this task. No other activities. Nicolas will provide it.
Q: how is the insurance handled
A: we are in negotiations with Le Foyer. The civil resonsibility covers 40 members and 4 public manifestations. Third party corporal and material damages are also covered. An additional insurance can be added for mobile devices.
The meeting closes around 18:00