
From syn2cat - HackerSpace.lu
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This page gives an overview over all our pages that offer some information about the things we do or plan.

Definition by Wikipedia:
A hackerspace or hackspace (from Hacker and Space) is a real (as opposed to virtual) place
where people with common interests, usually in science,  technology, digital or electronic art
can meet, socialise and collaborate. Typical activities in hackspaces include
o learning and sharing knowledge
o presentations and lectures
o social activities including games and parties

However, if you feel that they don't answer your questions, please don't hesitate and contact us.

.deWelcoming page for potential members (Deutsche Version)
.frWelcoming page for potential members (Version Française)
.luWelcoming page for potential members (Lëtzebuergesch Versioun)
Contact UsHow to come into contact with the hackerspace people.
FAQThis page tries to answer the most common questions one could have regarding this project.
GuidelinesThese are the few rules and procedures we have agreed on adhering to, as well as decisions taken previously.
HistoryThis page traces the story of syn2cat.
Info-FolderThis is our Info-Folder. You can either read it online or download the pdf file
InfotextText as found on our most recent flyers
Level2 network
Maach mat!Welcoming page for potential members (Lëtzebuergesch Versioun)
MembershipInformation on becoming a member of syn2cat a.s.b.l
MyHackerspaceHere, you may leave a short text what you imagine under or expect from a hackerspace!
Network hackerspace StrassenThis page hosts details on our internal network, wired as well as wireless.
PresentationsThese are a couple of presentations we gave to various groups of people
Press RoomCollected press information and articles from and about hackerspaces
S'affilierWelcoming page for potential members (Version Française)
Syn2catA hackerspace is a place where people with similar interests in technology, science, art, culture, and making meet. Activities are not in the slightest restricted to only computer science, but also emerge from electronics, contemporary art, photography, and any and all other pursuits worth sharing. The hackerspace offers a turnkey infrastructure to its members where innovative projects that would not come to life in a garage, can find nourishment and support.
Tritt bei!Welcoming page for potential members (Deutsche Version)
VisionWhat is syn2cat all about? Read about our vision and future plans.
Personal tools
