SYN2cat - the HackerSpace @ lu
This is not only about "hacking" and computers we embrace all forms of Arts and expressions!
A hackerspace or hackspace (from Hacker and Space)
is a real (as opposed to virtual)place where people with common interests, usually in science,
technology, or digital- or electronic art can meet, socialize and collaborate. (wikipedia:Hackerspace)
- Create an info-folder (see metalab) and talk to politicians and other influential people (in progress)
- Assemble text (done)
- Create layout (done)
- Grep VIP's addresses (done)
- Package (include letter) and ship
- Wait 1 or 2 days, then call and talk to the people
- Send out a press release
- Get a location and infrastructure
- Promote!
These tasks are up for the taking or collaborative efforts. Please help yourself ;)
David: david_AT_mallory_DOT_lu
Steve: steve_AT_localhost_DOT_lu
Groups / Mailing List
If you'd like to be added to the mailing list to receive the latest news and regular updates, send a mail to info_AT_mallory_DOT_lu.
Monday, September 22nd, we had some new people over who take interest in our initative. The Surveillance project was updated and we took a group-photo for our press release
Monday, September 15th, Phread from paid us a visit and mostly technical stuff going on for he Surveillance project.
Monday, September 08th, another meeting at the Chaostreff: It was decided that we ought to have a booth at '08 and the ok in that regard was given by Phread. The Chaostreff people also declared themselves ok with backing the HackerSpace as a NPO.
Sunday, September 07th, created and --kwisatz 21:23, 7 September 2008 (UTC)
Monday September 01st, some of us met at the local Chaostreff to discuss further actions. It was decided that we continue as planned and start creating an Info-Folder