Syn2cat goes Hx²

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Syn2cat goes Hx²
Type of Event: Excursion
From: 2011/08/07 09:00:00 AM
Till: 2011/08/15 07:00:00 PM
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Mandatory registration:

Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Macfreak109 (mail)
Keywords: ccc, camp, hx², camper
Where: Hackerspace, Strassen (11, rue du Cimetière, L-8018 Strassen, Luxembourg)
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QrCode: QR-a9463d4e458bed7cfa7332e2b9bd1387.png
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A journey to the Benelux HackSquare on CCCamp 2011

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Schedule, v1.0

Sunday, August 7, 2011

  • Departure from syn2cat : 10h30

*Estd arrival time Cologne : 12h00 **planning @Cologne : visit DingFabrik, C4, some city visits

  • Arrival time @ C4 : 13h30

Moday, August 8, 2011

  • Departure from Cologne : 9h00
  • Estd arrival time Essen : 10h00
    • planning @Essen : visit Unperfekthaus, Oberhausen Centro
  • Departure for Hamburg : 15h00
  • Estd arrival @Hamburg : 19h00

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

  • @Hamburg
    • Planning @Hamburg : shop for fish (mAcfreAk), visit Miniaturwelten - 10h30 (booked)
  • Departure from Hamburg : 16h00
  • Estd arrival time @CCC : 19h30

NOTE : this could also be the next day as camp begins only at 12h00...

Wednsday, August 10, 2011

  • CCC

Thursday, August 11, 2011

  • CCC

Friday, August 12, 2011

  • CCC

Saturday, August 13, 2011

  • CCC

Sunday, August 14, 2011

  • CCC
  • Camp finishes at 18h00, possibility to go to Berlin (?)

Monday, August 15, 2011

  • Departure time for @syn2cat : 9h30 or later when in Berlin

The plan

Hx2 is a BeNeLux hackerspace village at the CCC camp. Our plan is to travel together to CCC but on a curved line, meaning that we try to discover other spaces along the trip.

Therefore, the trip is planned for a whole week, starting on either Monday or Sunday. Here's a short overview of the places we want to visit :

See the itinerary on GoogleMaps

Loading map...

The dates

Departure date : Sunday, August 7, 2011 or Monday, August 8th 2011

Return : Monday, August 15th 2011

The project

Question remains what to bring/show/demo at the camp? The main subject of the camp is Oasis, so everything related to that will fit right in.

Concrete plans

  • Sushi bar - DIY
    • The Sushi workshop will be held in the foodhacking tent where hackers can create/modify their own Sushi. Fees for this workshop are not fixed, it's a voluntary donation. Ingredients are bought by funds coming from Hackers On A Plane (thanks for that).

Ideas so far

  • BBQ specials (food hacking)
    • Doesn´t have to relate to "hacking" - We do a BBQ, there are others who will do the same! -Mich
  • Cocktail Bar (with special glowing cocktails)
    • Socializing in the evenings are great! Isn´t there normally a party or such? -Mich

Hardware to take

  • Large Pool
    • Pool has been bought. Dimensions are 3,66m diameter and 91cm height. Filled with 6500 liters of water. A local firebrigade will fill us up! W00t!

Pool 350x80.jpg

  • LED Throwies -Mich
    • Fancy stuff to be recognized, as well as finding the way back home at night, hell yeah! ;)
  • Beamer
    • A beamer (4500 ANSI Lumen) will be part of the stock...
  • DECT Phones -Mich
    • My DECT Phones are yourself!

What to bring to CCC / DO NOT FORGET list

LIMIT IS 200kg !!!

The mobile space

Flash09 1.jpg

- Flash09-2.jpg


We have 5 traveling places and 7 sleeping places. Furthermore, the mobileSpace can take your hardware if needed and carry a supplementary tent. Should you be interested in sleeping in a tent, please contact us!

The price

The camper costs 250€ per person, not including extra charges like fuel, food or Camp tickets!

  • Tickets for the camp:
    • 140€ (standard)
    • 200€ (supporter)
    • 850€ (business)

The attendees

Confirmed (and paid)

Syn2camper is full...sorry!

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