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== Nuetsrallye 2.0 == The local youth commission will organize a nightrallye departing from Strassen (Fräiheetsbaam) and syn<sub>2</sub>cat will deliver some special effects for decorating the surroundings. Furthermore, we will have a small expo booth where we will provide visitors with information. Note to GRL savvy hackers : The place is craving for a lasertag ;-) === Photos === <gallery perrow="3"> File:Kw_nuetsrallye_1.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_2.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_3.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_4.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_5.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_6.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_7.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_8.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_9.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_10.jpg File:Kw_nuetsrallye_11.jpg </gallery> === Attending? === Add your name to the attendee list by adding your name in the [{{fullurl:{{PAGENAME}}|action=formedit}} form view]. === Meeting(s) === '''29th of August 2011''' Have a look at the other headlines which have been added with information this evening. == Schedule == A detailed schedule to subscribe for the Nuetsrally activity can be found [http://www.doodle.com/qs5e37ctqb2nni5x here]. The table below should illustrate the different states of what actions will take place at the given time slots. '''Note:''' During the Friday afternoon and also already in the morning the efforts to continue the gadget list will continue and is the last important part. {|style="border-collapse: collapse; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000" |- !style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Phase !style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Description !style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Time |- |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 0 |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Preparation |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| During the week |- |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 1 |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Set-Up |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 17h30 - 19h00 |- |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 2 |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Processing |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 19h00 - 23h00 |- |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 3 |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Fold Up |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 23h00 - 01h00 |- |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 4 |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| Chill Out @ syn2cat with Mate |style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px"| 01h00 - 03h00 |} == Team Stuff == * Ducktape * Flashlights * Walkie Talkies * Power strips * Spotlight * List with participants of syn2cat and phone numbers for the ones in the forest * First Aid Kit * GPS's - will bring 4 eTreks --[[User:Macfreak109|Macfreak109]] 08:24, 1 September 2011 (CEST) === Public Relations === * Camera --> taking pictures (will take mine to the event --Azunix 14:17, 2 September 2011 (CEST) ) * Video camera --> recording footage from the stand as going the way through the forrest and showing the path; the after party would be hacking a nice video together and publishing it on the blog and wiki ** If I have a tape.. that should work out.. (at leaste we have a camera) --Azunix 14:17, 2 September 2011 (CEST) * Posters - will print and bring A1 sized logos --[[User:Macfreak109|Macfreak109]] 08:24, 1 September 2011 (CEST) * Flyers * Stickers == Decoration == === Stand === * Flyers * Posters * Throwies * Fan with LEDs turning around like crazy * Notebook with external sound speakers to show videos by syn2cat (remember the one from XMAS '10 ?) * Wireless Electricity LED :) === Forest === * Threads (Faden) which hang from one tree to another in the horizontal way on which throwies are hanging down * [http://ur1.ca/4zh87 CAUTION] sign with LEDs on the borders and cool saying in the middle or picture * Glue more throwies together - some sort of ball - and have a "Throwie Wollknäuel" * A white blanket that should fall from the trees and serve in some sort as ghost * Tense a "thick" thread from one tree to another and maybe mark the endpoints with LEDs --> Function: don't hang it to high, because the kids should touch it on the level of the stomach --> '''should not hurt anyone''' * Ding Dong things (bells) with batteries (Infrared) --> OK * V for Vendetta masks - fill the eyes with red LEDs and the mouth as well - may be a different color ; don't forget the hat --> hang it somewhere where it looks scary * Take the little cable tree from the chill, hang a few LEDs on the branches and positionate it somewhere nice * If people trigger a thread on the height of their feet leaves should fall from above - Yes like in Frau Holle, but with leaves instead of feathers * If the kids step on a trigger a bell should ring --> OK --- There were further ideas developed during the first brainstorming session. Check your inbox for a list of those ideas or read below * Throwies on a tree (worked well) 2 throwies (without magnet) on the ends of a 1-2m string to hang over branches of trees along the path. About 12-20 strings needed Owner: / Design: done (ask Gunstick what to do) Build time: 4h (need to buy string!) Setup time: fast '''Status:''' strings --> done ; throwies --> need to be done Friday * Harddisk chimes (not a hit) Owner: / yeah, not enough wind in the wood * "Lachsack" - Stereo turned on with remote that was slopjong's idea, but the hardware failed shortly before so we came up wit this: * arduino that makes sound when somebody walks on a contact (paper +alu) --> which sound? (or simply use an mp3player?) also Jhemp proposed we could use his compact but very loud amplifier. Owner: Peter Design: todo Build time: ? Setup time: probably someone needs to be present all time in the forest * Skulls in a Jar with LEDs (wasn't done becaus of lack of skulls) Owner: Macfreak * Wet strings dangling onto the path (not too bad, but making them wet wasdifficult, they dried too fast) Owner: / Design: done (ask Gunstick what to do) Build time: 2h Setup time: can be slow if you end up with a huge knotty mess! * throwies on a motor? A motor running on batteries with a long stick rotating like a propeller. LEDs on both ends. Owner: iThierry Design: todo Build time: probably 2h Setup time: hmm... fixation needs to be designed too! '''Status:''' Self-made prototype 'Hans' or 'Klaus' --> done ; Next version(s) need some perfection (lot of motors recovered of the disk drives) * Can we use the UV LEDS somewhere? Bring up your ideas! More ideas... but please note: there is no power supply in the woods! * Make an interesting floor. Using bubble plastic, beer caps, or anything else which is usually not found in a forest * Do something with the massive amount of balloons * Create a spider web out of cables to hang across the path '''Status:''' * do something with reflectors (need to buy those) syn2cat will pay the cost. '''Status:''' Mirror recovered already from the overhead projector(s) * the invisible wall... or labyrinth. use transparent palette wrap, you can buy that at muller & wegener
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