Syn2cat @ Nuetsrallye 2011
![]() Syn2cat @ Nuetsrallye 2011
Ghosts'n'Goblins @ Strassen
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Type of Event: | Event |
From: | 2011/09/02 19:00 |
Till: | 2011/09/03 01:00 |
Recurring: | no |
Organizer: | Jugendkomissioun Strassen |
Cost: | 0 EUR0 $ 0 £ 0 CHF |
Mandatory registration: | No
Attendees: | Macfreak109, Kwisatz, Peter, Thierry, Azunix, Prometheus, Azunix Log-in to RSVP |
Contact Person(s): | Macfreak109 (mail), prometheus (mail) |
Keywords: | |
Location | |
Where: | Fräiheetsbam, Strassen (Fräiheetsbam, Strassen, Luxembourg) |
Map: |
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QrCode: | ![]() |
Add to your calendar: | Download … further results |
Alternate picture: | None |
Announce globally: | no |
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Contents[hide] |
[edit] Nuetsrallye 2.0
The local youth commission will organize a nightrallye departing from Strassen (Fräiheetsbaam) and syn2cat will deliver some special effects for decorating the surroundings.
Furthermore, we will have a small expo booth where we will provide visitors with information.
Note to GRL savvy hackers : The place is craving for a lasertag ;-)
[edit] Photos
[edit] Attending?
Add your name to the attendee list by adding your name in the form view.
[edit] Meeting(s)
29th of August 2011
Have a look at the other headlines which have been added with information this evening.
[edit] Schedule
A detailed schedule to subscribe for the Nuetsrally activity can be found here. The table below should illustrate the different states of what actions will take place at the given time slots.
Note: During the Friday afternoon and also already in the morning the efforts to continue the gadget list will continue and is the last important part.
Phase | Description | Time |
0 | Preparation | During the week |
1 | Set-Up | 17h30 - 19h00 |
2 | Processing | 19h00 - 23h00 |
3 | Fold Up | 23h00 - 01h00 |
4 | Chill Out @ syn2cat with Mate | 01h00 - 03h00 |
[edit] Team Stuff
- Ducktape
- Flashlights
- Walkie Talkies
- Power strips
- Spotlight
- List with participants of syn2cat and phone numbers for the ones in the forest
- First Aid Kit
- GPS's - will bring 4 eTreks --Macfreak109 08:24, 1 September 2011 (CEST)
[edit] Public Relations
- Camera --> taking pictures (will take mine to the event --Azunix 14:17, 2 September 2011 (CEST) )
- Video camera --> recording footage from the stand as going the way through the forrest and showing the path; the after party would be hacking a nice video together and publishing it on the blog and wiki
- If I have a tape.. that should work out.. (at leaste we have a camera) --Azunix 14:17, 2 September 2011 (CEST)
- Posters - will print and bring A1 sized logos --Macfreak109 08:24, 1 September 2011 (CEST)
- Flyers
- Stickers
[edit] Decoration
[edit] Stand
- Flyers
- Posters
- Throwies
- Fan with LEDs turning around like crazy
- Notebook with external sound speakers to show videos by syn2cat (remember the one from XMAS '10 ?)
- Wireless Electricity LED :)
[edit] Forest
- Threads (Faden) which hang from one tree to another in the horizontal way on which throwies are hanging down
- CAUTION sign with LEDs on the borders and cool saying in the middle or picture
- Glue more throwies together - some sort of ball - and have a "Throwie Wollknäuel"
- A white blanket that should fall from the trees and serve in some sort as ghost
- Tense a "thick" thread from one tree to another and maybe mark the endpoints with LEDs --> Function: don't hang it to high, because the kids should touch it on the level of the stomach --> should not hurt anyone
- Ding Dong things (bells) with batteries (Infrared) --> OK
- V for Vendetta masks - fill the eyes with red LEDs and the mouth as well - may be a different color ; don't forget the hat --> hang it somewhere where it looks scary
- Take the little cable tree from the chill, hang a few LEDs on the branches and positionate it somewhere nice
- If people trigger a thread on the height of their feet leaves should fall from above - Yes like in Frau Holle, but with leaves instead of feathers
- If the kids step on a trigger a bell should ring --> OK
There were further ideas developed during the first brainstorming session. Check your inbox for a list of those ideas or read below
- Throwies on a tree (worked well)
2 throwies (without magnet) on the ends of a 1-2m string to hang over branches of trees along the path. About 12-20 strings needed
Owner: /
Design: done (ask Gunstick what to do)
Build time: 4h (need to buy string!)
Setup time: fast
Status: strings --> done ; throwies --> need to be done Friday
- Harddisk chimes (not a hit)
Owner: /
yeah, not enough wind in the wood
- "Lachsack" - Stereo turned on with remote
that was slopjong's idea, but the hardware failed shortly before so we
came up wit this:
- arduino that makes sound when somebody walks on a contact (paper +alu)
--> which sound? (or simply use an mp3player?) also Jhemp proposed we could use his compact but very loud amplifier. Owner: Peter Design: todo Build time: ? Setup time: probably someone needs to be present all time in the forest
- Skulls in a Jar with LEDs (wasn't done becaus of lack of skulls)
Owner: Macfreak
- Wet strings dangling onto the path (not too bad, but making them wet wasdifficult, they dried too fast)
Owner: /
Design: done (ask Gunstick what to do)
Build time: 2h
Setup time: can be slow if you end up with a huge knotty mess!
- throwies on a motor? A motor running on batteries with a long stick rotating like a propeller. LEDs on both ends.
Owner: iThierry
Design: todo
Build time: probably 2h
Setup time: hmm... fixation needs to be designed too!
Status: Self-made prototype 'Hans' or 'Klaus' --> done ; Next version(s) need some perfection (lot of motors recovered of the disk drives)
- Can we use the UV LEDS somewhere? Bring up your ideas!
More ideas... but please note: there is no power supply in the woods!
- Make an interesting floor. Using bubble plastic, beer caps, or anything else which is usually not found in a forest
- Do something with the massive amount of balloons
- Create a spider web out of cables to hang across the path
- do something with reflectors (need to buy those) syn2cat will pay the cost.
Status: Mirror recovered already from the overhead projector(s)
- the invisible wall... or labyrinth. use transparent palette wrap, you can buy that at muller & wegener