Bootstrap 2014-08

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Bootstrap 2014-08
The syn2cat plenum
Type of Event: Meeting
From: 2014/08/16 19:00
Till: 2014/08/16 23:30
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Gunstick (mail), Muling (mail), sid (mail), stereo (mail)
Where: Level2 (87, route de Thionville, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-dd132c71a78f125755225107546562e8.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Decide where syn2cat is heading next. Every third Saturday of a month, starting at 7pm until midnight.

[edit] Introduction

If you would like to discuss something, simply add it below the upcoming event!

The Guidelines page regroups all major decisions taken at prior Bootstrap Meetings.

  • No items can be added to a schedule once the meeting has begun.
  • If midnight before meeting, the topics is empty, there will be no meeting. Sorry
  • A meeting can't last any longer than 4 hours (a 30min pause will be made after 2h)
  • People should sign the topics they added using ~~~~.
  • Topics will only be discussed if their authors are present at the meeting.

[edit] Topics

  • Hello again at Level2, our new hackerspace Gunstick (talk) 02:14, 10 August 2014 (CEST)
  • Haxogreen epilog Gunstick (talk) 02:14, 10 August 2014 (CEST)
  • Next events Gunstick (talk) 02:14, 10 August 2014 (CEST)
  • Level2 screen Thierry (talk) 14:11, 16 August 2014 (CEST)
  • Level2 Hangout? Thierry (talk) 14:11, 16 August 2014 (CEST)

[edit] Minutes

Start 19:15

[edit] Hello again at Level2, our new hackerspace

What are the room names anyway?

  • Chill: where the couches and projector are
  • Lab: the enclosed space with soldering, workbench, ultimaker and computers
  • Bow: the area with the big tables, fridge and windows with the nice view
  • Area42 (aka bermuda triangle): the void space other side of the Ikea wall

This may change if moods change

We have shelves with grey boxes, which are labeled. All material should be in those boxes Do not put stuff on the shelves beside the boxes.

Beware that the whole Level2 is covered in carpet. This is difficult to clean. Please pay attention when eating or doing messy work

New access soon: iButton instead of wifi. We will get new iButtons as the old ones are not compatible with the new system.

Our opening/controlling door system is based on raspberry pi. It's name is "Pi d'Or", aka PiDor

[edit] Haxogreen epilog

Instead of multiple jobs to distribute, we had one reception/bar desk. This worked very well.

We need more Press coverage.

Attendees appreciated the small and cosy setting in the woods.

Workshops, whatever subject, had good success and we want to do more in that direction.

[edit] Next events

  • official inauguarion (Friday 12 september 17:00)
    • local associations
    • helpers/sponsors (who?)
    • press
    • members
    • friends...
  • coder dojo (every week)
    • Managed by steve during daytime, for kids age 14-17
  • EU code week (11-17 October)
    • open monday starting at 5pm
    • show 3D printer, bGeigi, marble adder, coding
  • (21-24 oktober)
    • Usual setup. Use the new grey boxes to move stuff
  • foire de l'étudiant (13-14 novermber)
    • A little booth and probably a coder dojo session
  • initiative at (once a week in october)
    • aim is to promote hackerspace (kris, slopjong, fx)

[edit] Level2 screen displaying mainly the openong state of level2 and the departure time of busses

[edit] github

Offers 10 private repos for free for non profits. Those are currently at will continue to exist but github hosting will be preferred

Please create a github account and then ask any owner to be invited

[edit] Level2 hangout

We have a google hangout, where members... erm... hang out :-) mainly to know who goes when to the hackerspace

Annoying? you can change the notification sound or just switch off notifications or leave the hangout

End 20:35

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