Bootstrap 2014-09

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Bootstrap 2014-09
The syn2cat plenum
Type of Event: Meeting
From: 2014/09/20 19:00
Till: 2014/09/20 23:30
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Attendees: Stereo, Steve, Kwisatz, Gunstick
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Gunstick (mail), Muling (mail), sid (mail), stereo (mail)
Where: Level2 (87, route de Thionville, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-2893a14e78b1e11175e60c871b517c86.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Decide where syn2cat is heading next. Every third Saturday of a month, starting at 7pm until midnight.

[edit] Introduction

If you would like to discuss something, simply add it below the upcoming event!

The Guidelines page regroups all major decisions taken at prior Bootstrap Meetings.

  • No items can be added to a schedule once the meeting has begun.
  • If midnight before meeting, the topics is empty, there will be no meeting. Sorry
  • A meeting can't last any longer than 4 hours (a 30min pause will be made after 2h)
  • People should sign the topics they added using ~~~~.
  • Topics will only be discussed if their authors are present at the meeting.

[edit] Topics

  • What's the difference between syn2cat, hackerspace and Level2 Thierry (talk) 14:38, 19 August 2014 (CEST)
  • What are the twitter accounts used for? syn2cat, lvl_2, haxogreen Thierry (talk) 14:38, 19 August 2014 (CEST)
  • On the sustainability of keeping information on, the redmine to github migration, what to store on github, and justification for the secrets the office should keep from other members. Stereo (talk) 20:50, 21 August 2014 (CEST)
  • CoderDojo, CodeWeek and young people Steve (talk 09:09, 8, September 2014 (CEST)
  • Gunstick (talk) 19:51, 18 September 2014 (CEST)
  • Foire de l'étudiant Gunstick (talk) 19:51, 18 September 2014 (CEST)
  • Present yourself. We got a couple of new members recently, it would be nice to say hi. Gunstick (talk) 00:01, 16 September 2014 (CEST)
  • Present your project: if you like to create something new or need help on a project you do, this is the opportunity to make it known. Gunstick (talk) 00:01, 16 September 2014 (CEST)

[edit] Minutes

Presence: 11 people

Start: 19:10

  • What's the difference between syn2cat, hackerspace and Level2

syn2cat is the organization, Level2 is the localization, hackerspace is the type of institution

So it's the "Level2" hackerspace by syn2cat

  • What are the twitter accounts used for? syn2cat, level2lu, haxogren

level2lu: tweets about the location, i.e. the opening/closing and everything happening at the level2 hackerspace, a part of "internet of things"

syn2cat: about everything organized by the asbl ( stand etc...)

haxogreen: exclusively used for the haxogreen event

  • On the sustainability of keeping information on, the redmine to github migration, what to store on github, and justification for the secrets the office should keep from other members.

Problem of maintainability of current infrastructure, e.g. redmine is in a bad state currently

migrate maximum stuff to our github account

what about the parts from office?

Some infos are not meant to be available to other members (i.e. their private phone numbers). Every project owner should decide on himself if he wants to use or github (private or public)

It's not only migrating the git repo but also the tracker issues. There are scripts for that

Note: currently there is on github "syn2cat" and "lvl2" accounts. Only lvl2 has the private repository possibility. In the future the syn2cat repos will be merged into lvl2, and then rename lvl2 into syn2cat.

  • CoderDojo, CodeWeek and young people
    • The EU organizes CodeWeek, 11-17 october.

There will be 8 to 10 different events a lot of programming for kids

    • open monday exceptionally starts at 17:00, please be many as we probably get lots of visitors
    • special edition of wearable wednesday in Level2
    • special coderdojo at

is usually every thursday at level2. It's not a code teaching but a knowledge transfer and discovering how to code

2 groups: one starts off fresh with scratch, other group more advanced using python

motto: first ask yourself, then ask google, then ask mentors

    • hack4kids: 3dprinter, pov, math magic (sold out)
    •, with a booth by syn2cat, see below
    • geek girls carrots does python workshop at level2, on saturday 18 oct
    • if you know any programming related activity during code week

please contact steve so it gets put on the eucodeweek page

    • to be announced: coding for artists at the casino luxembourg

    • we will have a booth
    • need volunteers to be at the booth during the expo. syn2cat members can have acces to the venue. Ask Thierry
    • material to be present: 3d printer, mate sell (need order fridge)
    • maybe the fog screen and alot of other hacky stuff
  • foire de l'étudiant
    • there will also be a coder dojo there, at the nocturne 18h-20h on thursday
    • on the beesecure/syn2cat booth will be a box for people to look into. box then displays how many people already fell for that fishing message. People wanting to help build that box: contact Gunstick
    • other activity will be making people's phones connect to open wifi and then grabbing whatever non encrypted data flows
  • we need a calendar (paper) to hang in level2 where all events taking place are noted down. If you know a place where to get a nice calendar, contact .
  • Present yourself
    • Laurent (L), 21, studies bachelor computer science in 3rd year. Wants to start new projects by getting inspired at syn2cat. Knows java, wants to start with C++
  • Present your project
    • trefex: lisa & georges (new members) want to create an app which tells closest restaurants in luxembourg, with ranking by actual walking distance. Meet on open monday
    • gunstick: do 7x7x7 RGB cube hanging from ceiling (should still be transportable to move it to expos)
    • NPU: cube/dice with 8x8 panels on each side with controller inside. Rolling the cube could show on the panels like it's filled half with water, always show six on top or react to picking up and handling it.
    • thierry: sign for Level2, with writing on it saying Level2 with leds spelling Level2
    • serialc: create a simpler syn2lights on the 4 big windows
    • stereo: use RGB strips to make 4x7 segment display, also on those windows.

End 20:20

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