Bootstrap 2015-11

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Note: this article is about a passed event.
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Bootstrap 2015-11
The syn2cat plenum
Type of Event: Meeting
From: 2015/10/31 19:00
Till: 2015/10/31 23:30
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Attendees: Hibouu, Steve
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Gunstick (mail), Muling (mail), Sid (mail), Steve (mail), defane (mail), rafiot (mail)
Where: Level2 (87, route de Thionville, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-e0eb287941962c9cdee76f0dc80a25c8.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Decide where syn2cat is heading next. Every 4 weeks on Saturday, starting at 7pm until midnight.


If you would like to discuss something, simply add it below the upcoming event!

The Guidelines page regroups all major decisions taken at prior Bootstrap Meetings.

  • No items can be added to a schedule once the meeting has begun.
  • If midnight before meeting, the topics is empty, there will be no meeting. Sorry
  • A meeting can't last any longer than 4 hours (a 30min pause will be made after 2h)
  • People should sign the topics they added using ~~~~.
  • Topics will only be discussed if their authors are present at the meeting.


  • Present Your Project

Show off of our new infrared camera and it's associated android device Gunstick (talk) 22:44, 29 October 2015 (CET)

satnogs, a satellite tacking system Defane (talk) 16:45, 31 October 2015 (CET)

Events we wil attend, roundup.


We bought the seek thermal camera for android.

We also got an android device with an wireless charger. Besides the camera app it also has the remote control for our bluray player and the "out of milk app" to order items missing in Level2. Other apps can be added on request.

We are currently building a SatNOGS tracker. Several pieces have been printed on the Ultimaker and other material acquired.

Future events:

  • makerspace inauguration. Participants needed (20th november)
  • quadcopter workshop (by Steve) at the makerspace inauguration event and 25th at the mudam
  • 32C3 streaming
  • drone hackaton (2016)
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