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My little page about getting docker to run, done by somebody having no idea what docker is.

Yeah, DAU-docker!


[edit] First install docker

  • sudo apt-get install
  • sudo usermod -a -G docker $(id -un)
  • # logoout/login to get your group attribution

[edit] Learn something about the docker philosophy

You usually never log in to the container but specify all settings in the Dockerfile. Recreating the container should give you a ready to run application.

Most installs don't care really what happens to your data, but docker has a feature for this. Put the data into a separate container than the application. Then make the data container mount points visible in your application container. This way you can replace the application (update) without needing a backup/restore step.

[edit] Mediawiki

[edit] Fist some settings

  • WEBPORT=8080 # on which port the webserver should listen on the main host, if you have already a webserver, 80 won't work
  • DBPASSWORD="$(openssl rand -base64 9)" # the password for the database (humm... save it :-)
  • DOCKERNAME="mediawiki"

[edit] Create a database

  • # inspired from
  • # Create a data container with a directory /var/lib/mysql
  • docker create -v /var/lib/mysql --name wiki-mysql-data mysql:latest /bin/true
  • docker run --name wiki-mysql --volumes-from wiki-mysql-data -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$DBPASSWORD -d mysql:latest
  • docker ps -a | grep wiki-mysql.* # look the nice containers we just did

[edit] Create a mediawiki

well probably something like found here (with data container support) as stated on that webpage:

  • docker run --name $DOCKERNAME --link wiki-mysql:mysql -p $WEBPORT:80 -d nickstenning/mediawiki

[edit] Configure mediawiki

  • echo "connect to http://localhost:$WEBPORT/"
  • click on "setup the wiki"
    • database host: mysql
    • database name: mysql
    • table prefix: mw #change this if you install more than one mediawiki into this database
    • username: root
    • echo password: $DBPASSWORD
    • at end of setup you get a LocalSettings.php to download
    • this file has to be provided to the docker or put into the container. Seems to be several ways to do it.
  • docker stop $DOCKERNAME # stop the container as we want to mount data...
  • docker rm $DOCKERNAME # I have no idea how to add parameters, so I just start from zero

[edit] Create wiki data container

  • docker create --name ${DOCKERNAME}-data -v /data nickstenning/mediawiki /bin/true
  • docker run --name ${DOCKERNAME} --volumes-from ${DOCKERNAME}-data --link wiki-mysql:mysql -p $WEBPORT:80 -d nickstenning/mediawiki
  • cat LocalSettings.php | docker exec -i ${DOCKERNAME} sh -c 'cat > /data/LocalSettings.php'
  • docker exec -i ${DOCKERNAME} chown www-data:www-data /data/LocalSettings.php
  • docker exec -i ${DOCKERNAME} chmod 444 /data/LocalSettings.php

More help: well the usual mediawiki help

[edit] Engelsystem

This does not use a data container, but as it's often only for a short event, I don't care.

Give some configuration stuff

  • ENGELPORT=80 # on which port the engel system should listen on the main host, if you have a webserver, 80 won't work
  • ENGELDB=3306 # on which port the mysql of the engelsystem should be visible on the main host
  • DBPASSWORD="$(openssl rand -base64 9)" # the password for the database (humm... save it it :-)
  • ENGELPASSWORD="$(openssl rand -base64 9)" # the password for the engelsystem (humm... save it it :-)
  • DOCKERNAME="engelsystem"
  • ENGELADMIN="engeladmin" # well just use it


  • git clone
  • cd dockerfile-engel/
  • docker build -t engelweb-app . # this takes a long time
  • docker run --name "$DOCKERNAME" -d -p ${ENGELPORT}:80 -p ${ENGELDB}:3306 -e MYSQL_PASS="$DBPASSWORD" engelweb-app
  • docker exec -t "$DOCKERNAME" sed -i 's/-pengel/-p'$DBPASSWORD'/' /engelweb/db/ # needed coz db pass hardcoded
  • docker exec -t "$DOCKERNAME" /engelweb/db/ engelsystem engeladmin "$ENGELPASSWORD"
  • docker exec -t "$DOCKERNAME" sh -c "/usr/bin/mysql -uadmin -p$DBPASSWORD engelsystem < /engelweb/db/install.sql"
  • docker exec -t "$DOCKERNAME" sh -c "/usr/bin/mysql -uadmin -p$DBPASSWORD engelsystem < /engelweb/db/update.sql"
  • echo "Please remember the database password: $DBPASSWORD"
  • echo "Please remember the engelsystem login: ${ENGELADMIN} ${ENGELPASSWORD}"
  • echo login to http://localhost:$ENGELPORT/ with user 'admin' and password 'asdfasdf'
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