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Or does the light follow you?

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Crystal Project package graphics.png
artistic projections using openFrameworks or FreeJ
Meetings: none
Type: art

Status: planning
Contact Person: Kwisatz (mail)
QrCode: QR-b41ea228104dfd6bd50bd5e6d667088b.png

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A faster and simpler alternative is FreeJ (still in development but almost feature-complete). Following a presentation at HSF2009 I've checked out the code and it's really nice. At the base it's a C++ canvas library with SDL and OpenGL outputs (and some others) but the interesting thing is that it includes the SpiderMonkey JS interpreter. This means that one can load the library and then control everything using quickly-written JavaScript rather than C++. In addition, it provides a console interface which can be fed with JS directly, thereby providing live control, even from across the globe, of a given performance.

What is this about?


(13:47:49) Laurent F.: beacon at lightwave
(13:48:07) Laurent F.: mst frrm system kann een awer mei gail saachen maachen  wei daat
(13:48:22) David R.: jo, mee et muss een et mol maan ;)
(13:48:48) Laurent F.: stemmt
(13:49:01) Laurent F.: mat en puer gescheiten käpp geet viles wees de
(13:49:14) David R.: egal.. do hu mer scho mol en techneschen Usaatz
(13:49:38) Laurent F.: zb.
(13:49:46) Laurent F.: d luuchten roteireen emt eng achs+
(13:49:51) Laurent F.: virwaat net mei
(13:49:56) Laurent F.: achsen
(13:50:08) Laurent F.: an firwaat sin d luuchten all un enger ebene ubruecht?
(13:50:23) Laurent F.: sn
(13:50:42) Laurent F.: an firwaat kann een net o nach eng ännerung in intensiteit mat eranbrengen
(13:50:56) Laurent F.: ass en sau gudden usaatz daat doten projekt
(13:51:12) David R.: kann een alles maan ;)
(13:51:18) Laurent F.: keen p
(13:51:34) Laurent F.: don't worry
(13:52:45) David R.: mee dir haat dach läscht Joer fir d'Researchers Night och esou eppes
Dir = Architektur
(13:53:41) Laurent F.: job
(13:54:10) Laurent F.: daat ass vun deem type gewiescht, bei deem ech main design projee dest semester maachen
(13:54:23) Laurent F.: andscheinend haaten se en problem mat der trägheit vum system
(13:54:47) David R.: jo, war effektiv bessi lues
(13:54:58) Laurent F.: haas de da et ugekukkt?
(13:55:18) Laurent F.: kéint ma awer all d dokumenter dei et doriwwer gett besuegen
(13:55:31) Laurent F.: ass gut fir aus hieren fehler ze léiren


From Michel (20. November 2009)

Use Intelligent Lights (aka moving heads/lights). They can be easily connected with an ethernet-DMX-adapter (like: ELC dmxLAN node1s). The software is free to use.

Many interesting effects would be possible.

Another idea: Instead of using a IR-camera to identify persons, why not using a face detection algorithm? Every camera has face detection/recognition, may be there is software existing for this.

My last idea for today: use a beamer (or more) to beam any effects on the persons. But that could be rather complicated.

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