General Assembly March 2014

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General Assembly March 2014
General Assembly March 2014
Type of Event: Event
From: 2014/03/08 18:00
Till: 2014/03/08 20:00
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Attendees: Muling, Tatianasan, Sid, Serialc, Mullebutz, Gunstick, Steve, Trefex, Npu
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Gunstick (mail)
Where: Hackerspace, Strassen (11, rue du Cimetière, L-8018 Strassen, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-b0682e4cdd2e92af6bb41de6be166172.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Here we go again for an new regular General Assembly (GA).

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[edit] Introduction

The date was set on office meeting 20140125 and mentioned in mail 29th January. The official invitation was sent on 20th February.

[edit] Preparations

Some items need to be done before the assembly

  • audit of accounts (16/02/2014) Trollchen and mullebutz volunteered in 2013
  • prepare voting sheets and result sheets
  • before opening assembly verify quorum (50%)
  • candidates have to do their candidature before start of GA
  • secure a room

[edit] Agenda

this can be modified until 21st february 2014

  • decide on voting board
  • approve agenda
  • activity report 2013
  • Presentation of 2013's receipts and expenditures
  • Discharge of the treasurer by our auditors
  • discharge of office
  • Presentation of new activities 2014
  • Election of a new administrative council
  • Election of a new treasurer
  • Election of president and vice president
  • Call for two financial auditors for 2014

[edit] Candidates

To be candidate, you have to send an email to indicating if you want to be President, Vice-President, Treasurer or office member.

who post email date
Gunstick President
sid Treasurer
muling Vice President
stereo office member
office member
office member

[edit] Vote delegations

Remember: do not announce delegations to people already listed below: they either are not coming or already have a delegation. First ask personally the delegate if s/he accepts.
Your proxy must bring a valid proof of delegation to the GA or you have to send a PGP signed email to

member's pseudo vote delegated to verified via
kwisatz muling GPG (tbd)
thierry stereo pobeier

Thus members (virtually) present: ??

From GA 2013:

  • which members can vote?
    • all members in good standing (paid fee/dues)
    • regardless of full member status (after 3 months etc...)

For reference: [General_Assembly_March_2013]

[edit] Minutes

Meeting started at: 18:10

  • 12 members present, with 1 additonal member by proxy (pgp mail)
  • 1 member arrived late (with 1 proxy vote)
  • Total of 13 (later 15) voting members

Candidates for office:

  • gunstick -> president
  • muling -> vice president
  • sid -> treasurer
  • stereo -> office member

People counting ballot: klenge feitz, martin

[edit] Past activity over last year

Activity report as PDF

The next commune event is the one where the commune presents itself, we'll have a stand there. We'll creae a new flyer in 3 languages, it shall present the concept of a hackerspace in easy language.

We were at the commune te deum as well as the new years reception.

Monday will be the open day since gunstick is present anyway.

The office has a lot of work to do, maybe some members can take tasks.

We were at

  • had a nice day flying model planes and drones
  • were at science festival
  • did christmas market
  • We did food hacking with the foodhacking base.

Other things members did:

  • 11 radio shows
  • 30c3 viewing
  • rgb lamps
  • space api
  • air quality tracker
  • 5.1 audio system
  • openduino modifications

Treasurer report:

Only smaller problems

  • BCEE blocked the account two times
  • "Missing" money form kitchen was found in the office locker..
  • food and drink is lower expense as due to provider change, club mate is now bought from cashier and not going through the account.

Review of treasurer ok by klenge feitz

Discharge of office (13/13 in favor)

Planned for 2014:

  • "Gemeng stellt sech vir"
  • Haxogreen
  • researchers night
  • christmas market
  • more..

Administration council vote

  • gunstick 13/13
  • muling 13/13
  • sid 12/13
  • stereo 11/13

(guillaume arrived)

Confirmation of treasurer

  • treasurer: sid 13/15

Vote for presidents

  • president: gunstick 15/15
  • vice president: muling 14/15

Year 2015 auditors: klenge feitz, martin

end at about 20:30

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