General Assembly March 2019

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General Assembly March 2019
General Assembly March 2019
Type of Event: Event
From: 2019/03/02 19:00
Till: 2019/03/02 21:00
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Attendees: Gunstick, Sid, Su, Esther, Marina
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Gunstick (mail)
Where: Level2 (87, route de Thionville, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-f030353de84952388f01bbadc3fcf825.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Here we go again for an new regular General Assembly (GA).

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[edit] Introduction

  • The date was fixed by office on 30th January 2019

[edit] Preparations

Some items need to be done before the assembly

  • prepare voting sheets and result sheets
  • candidates have to do their candidature before start of GA
  • reserve a room

We will meet before, like 17:00/18:00-ish and get some food.

[edit] Agenda

this can be modified until 15th February 2019

  • decide on voting board
  • activity report 2018
  • Presentation of 2018's receipts and expenditures
  • Discharge of the treasurer by our auditors
  • discharge of office
  • Presentation of new activities 2019
  • Election of a new administrative council
  • Election of a new treasurer
  • Election of president and vice president
  • Call for two financial auditors for GA 2020

[edit] Candidates

To be candidate, you have to send an email to indicating if you want to be President, Vice-President, Treasurer or office member.

who post email date
Gunstick President / Vice-President 02.03.2018
Paolo President/ Vice-President 01.03.2018
Marina Treasurer 02.03.2018
office member 00.00.2018

[edit] Vote delegations

Remember: do not announce delegations to people already listed below: they either are not coming or already have a delegation. First ask personally the delegate if s/he accepts.
Your proxy must bring a valid proof of delegation to the GA or you have to send a PGP signed email to Don't create a PGP key on short notice, if it's not verified, the signature not really worth much.

member's pseudo vote delegated to verified via
Macfreak Gunstick Email/GPG 13.2.2019
cataspanglish Marina Email/GPG 01.3.2019

Thus members (virtually) present: xx (later xx)

[edit] Minutes

[edit] Candidates for office

  • Gunstick -> president, vice-president
  • Paolo -> president, vice-president
  • Marina -> treasurer

People counting ballot: Slopjong and Martin

Meeting started at: 19:28

  • 13 members present, with 2 additional members by proxy
  • Total of 15 voting members

Approval of Agenda: 15/15 ok

[edit] Past activity over last year

Covers March 2018 until February 2019

[edit] Receipts and Expenditures

  • Discharge of treasurer (15/15)
  • Discharge of office (15/15)

[edit] Office

Each office candidate gives a short info of what he projects to do for the next period

Election results

  • Gunstick: 14/15
  • Marina: 14/15
  • Paolo: 13/15

Treasurer confirmed by hand vote: 15/15

[edit] Administration council

Vote for presidents

  • Gunstick 12/15
  • Paolo 11/15

[edit] Next GA (2020) financial auditors

  • Marko 15/15
  • Sid 15/15

Closed at: 20:50

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