General Assembly March 2020

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General Assembly March 2020
General Assembly March 2020
Type of Event: Event
From: 2020/03/14 19:00
Till: 2020/03/14 21:00
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Attendees: Workshop4me, Gunstick, Sid
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Gunstick (mail)
Where: Level2 (87, route de Thionville, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-927c152fedc734b986bec09988c72874.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Here we go again for an new regular General Assembly (GA).

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[edit] Introduction

  • The date was fixed by office on 6th February 2020

[edit] Preparations

Some items need to be done before the assembly

  • prepare voting sheets and result sheets
  • candidates have to do their candidature before start of GA
  • reserve a room

We will meet before, like 17:00/18:00-ish and get some food.

[edit] Agenda

this can be modified until 29th February 2020

  • decide on voting board
  • activity report 2019
  • Presentation of 2019's receipts and expenditures
  • Discharge of the treasurer by our auditors
  • discharge of office
  • Presentation of new activities 2020
  • Election of a new administrative council
  • Election of a new treasurer
  • Election of president and vice president
  • Call for two financial auditors for GA 2021

[edit] Candidates

To be candidate, you have to send an email to indicating if you want to be President, Vice-President, Treasurer or office member.

who post email date
President / Vice-President
President/ Vice-President
office member

[edit] Vote delegations

Remember: do not announce delegations to people already listed below: they either are not coming or already have a delegation. First ask personally the delegate if s/he accepts.
Your proxy must bring a valid proof of delegation to the GA or you have to send a PGP signed email to Don't create a PGP key on short notice, if it's not verified, the signature not really worth much.

member's pseudo vote delegated to verified via
chris rafiot pgp mail 13.3.2020

Thus members (virtually) present: 12 (later 14)

[edit] Minutes

[edit] Candidates for office

  • Paolo -> president, vice-president
  • Gunstick -> president, vice-president
  • Marina -> treasurer
  • Sid -> member

Note: due to special circumstances due to COVID19, this assembly had several members joining via videoconference

Meeting started at: 19:15

  • 11 members present (of which 4 remote on videoconference), with 1 additional members by proxy
  • Total of 12 voting members
  • Later 2 persons joined, brining total presency to 14 people

Approval of Agenda: 12/12 Initial decision on non secret voting for Office: 12/12

[edit] Past activity over last year

Covers March 2019 until February 2020

Task distribution and projects - we need a communication manager, making people aware what projects are running and making others aware of this. => display with projects currently running and planned

Coder dojo: at some times becomes very busy. More diverse activities (CTF, game of code, robotics). more info about their activities will be put on our mailing list

Science festival: Theremin and laser harp will be made functional to be demoed for visitors

2 members joined, now 14 present

[edit] Receipts and Expenditures

Question is raised about high amount in account. We should do something about (with) it.

Discussion about how to get project ideas and how to get them realized. Create a project platform. Have dedicated meetups to present projects. "Pitch day" where members present their projects. With an award? Have this as a videoconference setup for those not able to join. This helps to solve the "no time" issue. Including recording the talk. Have mentors for projects. Have moderator for the "pitch day"

Also: invest in people, not in infrastructure. Via a prize or via sponsorship for participating in international events.

  • Discharge of treasurer (14/14)
  • Discharge of office (14/14)

Plans for 2020:

Robotics Lab (by make-it): idea to create a second robotics makerspace in cooperation with syn2cat at level2. This will be an addon on the courses that codeclub does in the robotics domain.

Cleaning and TYDYING/INVENTORY day. Take one room/shelf/box and check what is there. "discover your hackerspace day"

[edit] Office

Each office candidate gives a short info of what he projects to do for the next period

Election results

  • Paolo: 12/14
  • Gunstick: 13/14
  • Marina: 13/14
  • Sid: 11/14

Treasurer confirmed by hand vote: 14/14

[edit] Administration council

Vote for presidents

  • Paolo: 13/14
  • Gunstick: 12/14

[edit] Next GA (2021) financial auditors

  • slopjong : 14/14
  • miguel : 14/14

Closed at: 21:15

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