HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek

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Note: this article is about a passed event.
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Science workshops
Type of Event: Workshop
From: 2012/03/28 8:00
Till: 2012/03/30 16:00
Recurring: no
Organizer: Syn2cat
Cost: 0€0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:
Website: http://hackids.hackerspac...
Attendees: Macfreak109
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Macfreak109 (mail)
Keywords: science, week, eu
Where: EU Primary School, Kirchberg (Boulevard Konrad Adenauer 23, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-01b2c22c2905469af0b83e907c82f5c9.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Find out about the glamour and glory of scientific gadgets by programming your robot, creating your LED lights or soldering your bristlebot. This EU primary school exclusive event can only be attended by their pupils and teachers. Interested? Ask us to perform at your school!



HacKids EU Science Week

This is a EU school exclusive event! No registrations are possible!

Wednesday, march 28

9h00 - 10h00 Building throwies
11h00 - 12h00 Develop your own game using Scratch!
15h00 - 16h15 Creating 3D Objects using Sketchup and demo of the MakerBot

Thursday, march 29

9h00 - 10h00 MindStorms I : Introducing the robot
11h00 - 12h00 MindStorms II : Strange Creatures

Friday, march 30

9h00 - 10h00 Building tiny robots(*)

(*) Seek an alternative workshop, maybe with easier fixing methods as soldering irons…

Internal Informations


Hackers who are joining the HacKids team :

Wednesday, march 28 Thursday, march 29 Friday, march 30
mAcfreAk mAcfreAk mAcfreAk
trollchen trollchen
Mich Mich

We consider driving there in one car (limited parking spaces), departure from Strassen at 7h45/8h00 latest. Please register for the carshare here below :

  • Car used : mAcfreAk's van (5 seats)
  • Passengers :
    • mAcfreAk (of course ;-) )

To be taken

  • MindStorms NXT kits (complete) (NXT software delivered, will be installed)
  • vibrating motors
  • throwie box

To be acquired

  • toothbrushes

Tasks done

  • throwies shipped -> OK
  • powertape bought -> OK
  • magnets orderd -> OK
  • magnets -> OK
Personal tools
