Ikea LED Wall

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Ikea LED Wall
lets add some fancy WS2812b LEDs to the big Ikea wall
Meetings: none
Type: hardware
Repository: https://github.com/syn2cat/ikea-led-wall
Status: running
Members: sid
Contact Person: sid (mail)
QrCode: QR-72a813bb4340dff12caace73b069fa6a.png

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The idea

While to projections screen is rolled up, the big Ikea Expedit wall looks rather boring. Here the 150 presoldered WS2812b LEDs come in handy. There are just enough to put 3 into each compartment to display some fancy animations.

required hardware

150 WS2812b LEDs (Neopixel)-> left from another projuect
big enouch power supply -> 5V, 8A bought
some electronics -> Adafruit Fadecandy any Raspberry 1b -> check

current state

setup has been tested with one line, the other seven line 4 lines have already been preassembled and installed very soon

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