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Table space in the lab is limited. To keep a maximum of tables free for work, projects should be stored away while you are not at the space or not working on them. This way the tables stay free for the next one.

Instead of storage boxes where you need to unpack your stuff, and put it back later, there is the idea to create project boards. Those can serve as surface to work on and as shelf to store away. No need to box and unbox your breadboard and need to redo half of the connections.

Using a board instead of a box simplifies the unboxing and shelving of the project. Even non project related people can free up a table without worrying too much about the project's health. When storing a project don't forget to remove syn2cat tools from the board (screw drivers, pliers etc...)

Put your name, and maybe the current project's name on your board. You can also use the QR code system for this. So if questions arise, it's easy to contact you.

For the storage we have a computer rack (the one on wheels) inside the lab with screws in the mounting holes. The project boards are resting on those screws. A good idea is to have notches for the screws on the bottom of the board so that it's not sliding out. Else design your own method to hold your project in the rack.

As long as your project board is 42-45cm wide (measure the rack) so that it fits on top of the screws, you are good.

An example board idea is a wooden piece with side, front and back panels. Those panels form a box when stored in the frame. When taking the project to a table, remove the panels and insert them into slots on the board, increasing your working surface.

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