Python taming Night

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Python taming Night
Type of Event: Workshop
From: 2009/11/11 07:00:00 PM
Till: 2009/11/11 09:30:00 PM
Recurring: no
Cost: free"free" is not a number.
Mandatory registration:

Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Steve (mail)
Where: Hackerspace, Strassen (11, rue du Cimetière, L-8018 Strassen, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-fbeadffbc4819ee884b3ff8eea773b7a.png
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Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no

[edit] Lëtzebuergesch

Wollts du schon ëmmer däin eegene Programm um Computer schreiwe?

Mais waars ofgeschreckt dass et ze schwéier ass?

Äntwerten op dës Froen kriss de am HackerSpace zu Stroossen.

De Contenu vum Cours ass absolutt ideal fir Ufänger an der Programmatioun. Dir braucht keng Virahnung ze hunn.

Dir kennt entweder ären Laptop matbréngen oder ee vun de Laptoppe am Space benotzen.

Dëse Cours ass GRATIS fir dem HackerSpace seng Memberen also gëff och du Member.

De Cours ass all 2 Wochen Mëttwochs vun 19h00 - 21h00

Du muss dech nëmmen umellen an dann bass de dobäi!

Schéck dem Steve ee Mail:

steve _dann_den-ät_

contact the office

[edit] English

Did you ever want to start programming your OWN program?

Where you afraid it was too hard, or you didn't have what it takes?

All of this will be answered in syn2cat's Python Nights where you get taught how to tame the beast.

The introductory courses will be VERY basic!

You don't need ANY prior experience apart from how to open programs and type text. (oh, yeah and click on things)

You can join in anytime. No fixed begin or end for the courses.

And best of all it is FREE for it's members. So tag along and join us.

The courses will be held every second Wednesday from 19h00 to 21h00

If you got interested Book your spot with Steve:

steve _the_Add-SIGN_

[edit] For advanced users

There are a couple of python projects that would benefit the hackerspace. They could be developed either by people getting better at Python coding OR by other people already hard core Python users and are willing to show the others what it takes to do one of the following:

Should any of these catch your attention, don't hesitate to contact the office.

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