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Lët'z Hack! D'Hacker-Emissioun vu syn2cat op Radio ARA
Meetings: on recording day (see respective shows)
Type: media

Status: running
Members: Macfreak109, Mich, Prometheus, Xenplex, Bartek, Azunix, The metalgamer, Steve, Kwisatz, Bisly, Trollchen, Muling
Contact Person: prometheus (mail), slopjong (mail)
QrCode: QR-7af88966e1c4e4bc98d594519682420e.png

This is about the RadioShow project. If you're interested in the show and its podcasts, you might want to go see the Lët'z Hack page.



[edit] Lët'z Hack!

[edit] Important Stuff

If you contribute to an episode WATCH the page (use the wiki function at the top to get e-mail updates about the page.

[edit] Concept

  • Content: The content changes nearly every time, but we also do sequels of a topic if it is to complex for 60 minutes.
  • Genre of music: While the original concept was to have Chiptune and Nerdcore music, now we also play some Rock-, generic Electronic-, and Pop Music. In the future there will be free music played only.
  • Slot: Every 2nd Saturday 13h-14h
  • Jingle: RadioJingle
  • IRC channel #letzhack

[edit] Shows

Adding a Show? Please use the RadioShow form, name it RadioShowXY and set an accurate topic.
If you're not just yet sure about your show, please add your idea to the topics section first.

ShowTopicBroadcast onPodcast released onRecorded on
LH88 - science festivalscience festival / hack.lu9 November 2013 13:00:0010 November 20139 November 2013 13:00:00
LH78 - 29C3 review29C3 review5 January 20135 January 20135 January 2013
LH73 - Raspberry piRaspberry pi18 August 201225 August 201220 August 2012
LH72LH72 - Misc.Mash21 July 2012 13:00:0021 July 2012 20:00:0021 July 2012 13:00:00
Software Defined Radio (SDR)LH71 - Software Defined Radio (SDR)7 July 2012 13:00:007 July 2012 20:00:007 July 2012 13:00:00
LH70 - Music Mix IMusic Mix I23 June 2012 13:00:0022 June 2012 04:00:0022 June 2012 01:00:00
LH69 - Haxogreen 2012LH69 - Haxogreen 20129 June 2012 13:00:009 June 2012 14:00:009 June 2012 13:00:00
LH68 - BioITLH68 - Bioinformatics and why rotten foods can be tasty26 May 2012 13:00:0026 May 2012 14:00:0026 May 2012 13:00:00
LH67 - 8bit music8bit Music12 May 2012 13:00:0012 May 2012 18:00:0011 May 2012 20:00:00
LH66 - ITSecurityITSecurity28 April 2012 13:00:0013 May 2012 00:00:0028 April 2012 13:00:00
LH65 - Chaos Computer ClubChaos Computer Club14 April 2012 13:00:0015 April 2012 18:00:0014 April 2012 13:00:00
LH64 - Hack your GuitarHack your Guitar31 March 2012 13:00:0015 April 2012 20:23:0031 March 2012 13:00:00
LH63MadMashup II17 March 2012 13:00:0018 April 2012 08:00:0017 March 2012 13:00:00
LH62Unleash the power of your gateway3 March 2012 13:00:0023 April 2012 00:00:003 March 2012 13:00:00
LH61What we learned about XMPP on FOSDEM18 February 2012 13:00:0018 February 2012 13:00:00
LH60Information Gaterhing4 February 2012 13:00:002 February 2012 19:00:00
LH59Invisible Internet Project21 January 2012 13:00:0021 January 2012 13:00:00
LH58Preview 20127 January 2012 13:00:007 January 2012 13:00:00
LH57Review 201124 December 2011 13:00:0023 December 2011 00:00:001 January 32202 01:00:00
LH56Peace cookies10 December 2011 13:00:0010 December 2011 13:00:00
LH55Makawhat, Makatune26 November 2011 13:00:0026 November 2011 13:00:00
LH54Events Review12 November 2011 13:00:0026 November 2011 20:23:0012 November 2011 13:00:00
LH53 - Project CortanaCortana29 October 2011 13:00:005 November 2011 00:12:0028 October 2011 20:30:00
RadioShow52ArchLinux3 September 2011 13:00:003 September 2011 13:00:00
RS 51: Arrrrduino (part II)Hackerspace Update & Wifi Painting20 August 2011 13:00:0020 August 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow50Arrrduino Pirates and NOT the Carribeans (Part I)6 August 2011 13:00:006 August 2011 13:00:002 August 2011 20:00:00
RadioShow46F000dhax0ring23 July 2011 13:00:0023 July 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow45Meet the girls9 July 2011 13:00:009 July 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow47For the Lulz25 June 2011 13:00:0025 June 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow44Music Remix14 May 2011 13:00:0022 May 2011 14:53:0014 May 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow43Web of Trust30 April 2011 13:00:0030 April 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow424216 April 2011 13:00:007 April 2011 20:00:00
RadioShow41What's the matter with these codecs anyway?2 April 2011 13:00:002 April 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow40RobotAra19 March 2011 13:00:0019 March 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow39For ever FREE Works5 March 2011 13:00:005 March 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow38Virtual Identities19 February 2011 13:00:0019 February 2011 15:00:0017 February 2011 19:00:00
RadioShow37Tablets - An Overview5 February 2011 14:00:005 February 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow36Geocaching22 January 2011 13:00:005 February 2011 16:00:0022 January 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow352010 - A Review8 January 2011 13:00:0023 January 2011 15:15:008 January 2011 13:00:00
RadioShow34Special: Wikileaks (Part II)25 December 2010 13:00:0025 December 2010 02:00:00
RadioShow33Special: Wikileaks11 December 2010 13:00:0012 December 2010 21:10:0011 December 2010 13:00:00
RadioShow32Sci-fi27 November 2010 13:00:0011 December 2010 18:40:0027 November 2010 13:00:00
RadioShow31Encryption in the World Wide Web13 November 2010 13:00:0012 December 2010 19:38:0013 November 2010 13:00:00
RadioShow30Wikipedia30 October 2010 01:00:007 November 2010 18:33:0030 October 2010 13:00:00
RadioShow29Free alternatives to proprietary instant and e-mail clients16 October 2010 13:00:0014 October 2010 20:00:00
RadioShow28Hacker Movies & Documentaries2 October 2010 13:00:003 October 2010 12:23:0030 September 2010 20:00:00
RadioShow27syn2cat Hackiversary (sh)18 September 2010 13:00:0026 September 2010 16:00:0013 September 2010 18:00:00
RadioShow26Social Networks & Privacy (Part III)4 September 2010 13:00:004 August 2010 14:00:002 September 2010 20:00:00
RadioShow25Social Networks & Privacy (Part II)21 August 2010 13:00:0021 August 2010 14:00:00
RadioShow24Social Networks7 August 2010 13:00:007 August 2010 02:00:003 August 2010 18:00:00
… further results

[edit] Preparation Meetings

These preparation meetings should be realized by the hosts of the show and this at least 2 times a month, thus a meeting per show. Songs, topics, important news, events and questions should be fixed here for the upcoming shows. It is meant to offer everyone a platform to come in contact with this medium at a regular 'event'.

[edit] Next Meeting

Topic: LH64_-_ITSecurity - ITSecurity

When: /

Where: /

Note If there is no one that needs a particular meetup session on this one, we'll manage everything over the XMPP & mail. :)

[edit] Pool o' Topics

Collect ideas here.

  • Firefox Extensions: JS, HTML & CSS fighting for one cause
  • Hackers still a subculture, or already integrated in the general culuture?
  • Radio & Communication Technologies (Radio, GPS, Wireless, etc.)
  • Fight of sovereignty on the mobile platforms (Maemo vs. Android vs. iPhone OS 4.0 vs. ?)
  • From where to get reliable information? (News, IT-Security, etc.)
  • Web Of Trust
  • Random (What is it?, etc.)
  • Which notebooks and what hardware works best with Linux? (Lenovo ThinkPads, Asus, etc.) - The Linux kernel and supported hardware

[edit] Shows prob. including guests

  • Luxembourgian Blogosphere, TwittoSphere et al. (Invite bloggers, cf. Kwisatz' crawler graphics)
  • Killerspiele, die Kids laufen Amok (Psychologist, teacher & gamer)
  • G.R.L Luxembourg
  • Hacking Foods
  • Advanced Lighting talks - 3 to 6 shows a year, dedicated to 3 to 5 people talking a few minutes about their topic live in the show, small discussion after every each, music and the next one.

[edit] Not assigned yet

  • History of Computers (DIfference Engine, Colossus, ENIAC, etc... [Lovelace!!])
  • hacker Conventions
  • 8-bit, chiptune, festivals
ChiptuneHistory will try to do a show on that Gunstick
  • Luxemburg, Überwachungsstaat?
  • Theoretical Terror Attacks, .lu centric
  • Lockpicking, the Audible guide
  • Luxi Internet Memes
  • Anti-Virus / Firewall Software
  • Software Patente und Patente im generellen
  • Biometrie
  • Homebrew
  • Cyberwar & Hacktivism [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] (locked)
  • Social Engineering
  • Tools which are used by hackers && Security Papers and books about IT-Security --> splitted show

[edit] Getting involved?

If you got a topic that you want to promote by all means, Lët'z Hack! is one of the platform offering you the possibility to do so. Just add the topic to the list and talk to one of the moderators of the show and very soon we'll be on Air together.

Being afraid of the mike and the people listening to the show is okay - everyone already got this feeling, but with the routine it'll disappear. We have the possibilities to do a pre-recording of the show or to do it live on Air - whatever fits you most. Bringing guests is not a problem, neither having a "mobile" interview with them - not in the walls of Radio Ara, but with portable recording devices in the outside world.

[edit] Music

[edit] CreativeCommons

Please add only artists, not single albums. In a second step you should then select specific tracks and add them to a show. See RadioShow1 for an example. Please make sure we have the right to play that music. Mail the musicians if you're unsure about the licensing.

[edit] Unknown License

[edit] MySpace stuff (probably commercial)

[edit] More Resources

[edit] More Content

Other things we could do include

  • regulary play a song by a luxemburgish artist
  • have people email their favourite electronic songs to radio_AT_hackerspace_DOT_lu
  • interviews with various people and organizations
  • reports from Hacker Conventions
  • interactive call-ins
  • debates

[edit] Similar Shows & Radio-Stations

BTW : Gaston Klares is a friend of mine...he's also a great hacker! ;-) --Macfreak109 11:48, 27 June 2009 (UTC)

[edit] Preparations - a Guideline

[edit] After the show

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