Retro-PSU money box

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Retro-PSU money box
Using a coffee-cup as till for our little sweets/drinks shop has proven to be problematic, because some people took it as free-to-take money source. We will replace it with a piggy-bank type box where money can be thrown in but not taken out.

A beautiful old home-made PSU functions as box itself. We will add an arduino driven code lock that can unlock the box.

Meetings: Thursday 19:00
Type: security

Status: running
Members: Joekutz
Contact Person: Joekutz (mail)
QrCode: QR-3ed3e94faacf9ecf598943383a754cfd.png

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general: The PSU has a large number of contacts in the front which we will use for entering the code. A cable will connect one of these contacts to ground at the time, and the right sequence acts as unlock-code.

Status: My first idea of a locking mechanism (using a motor with slug-gear to drive the lever) didn't work because the slug-ger kept locking up both ways when running into one of the borders. We will now use a standard servo to do the job.

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