Shortcrust Cookies

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This is the recipe to make the best cookies ever.

Dough for 2Kg (almost 700 cookies) Dough for 1Kg (almost 350 cookies):
  • 4 eggs
  • 500g sugar
  • 500g butter
  • 1000g flour
  • 1 baking powder
  • 1 vanillated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon rhum
  • 2 eggs
  • 250g sugar
  • 250g butter
  • 500g flour
  • 1/2 baking powder
  • 1 vanillated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon rhum
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tablespoon powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoon rhum
  • some salt
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
  • 1 tablespoon rhum
  • some salt

Prepare the dough

Mix the eggs with the sugar until it becomes a foamy mass

Add the butter and mix well

Add the rest of the stuff: baking powder, vanillated sugar, rhum and step by step the flour.

Use batting tool and later knitting tool in the mixer.

When finished form a big clump, cover with cling film and put into fridge for 2 hours.

Make rolls

When dough is cold, depending on cookies form, take out and form into rolls and put back for 1 hour into fridge then cut rolls into discs. Or roll out into sheet and then cut into shapes.

Geek mode: When doing rolls, you get about 12 rolls of 180g which will be around 20cm long and 3cm diameter. You can cut them into 4mm thick disks. Each roll will usually be enough to fill one baking tray.


Heat oven to 200°C with top and bottom heating.

Hint: use baking paper on the tray.

Put shapes on tray and decorate with glaze (use a brush). You can put on almond pieces or raisins. Or chocolate at a later time (see below).

Bake in middle rail for 2x5min (after 5min turn the tray 180° to bake everything evenly)


You can put chocolate on the cookies in a second step: Cut chocolate (suggestion: Lindt Swiss Thins. Cut into 4). Put on cold cookies, then put into 45°C warm oven for 3-10 minutes until nicely molten. Let them cool down for several hours until the chocolate is hard.


In a cookie box, to keep away from humidity.

Special cookie form ideas

More ideas what to do with this: GameCookies and Geekcookies

Other deserts: Gunstick_Deserts

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