Stroossen Wibbelt

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Note: this article is about a passed event.
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Stroossen Wibbelt
Stroossen wibbelt.jpg
Type of Event: Event
From: 2011/05/15 09:30:00 AM
Till: 2011/05/15 07:30:00 PM
Recurring: no
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Attendees: Macfreak109, Gunstick, NPU, redepik151, LaLa, Kwisatz
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Macfreak109 (mail), Gunstick (mail), Bisly (mail), redepik151 (mail), NPU (mail)
Where: Hackerspace, Strassen (11, rue du Cimetière, L-8018 Strassen, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-1955c19d1cfe4b8cd731bb8071a04e6f.png
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Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no



Stroossen Wibbelt

Meeting point

The place we meet is at 8h15/8h30 latest at our booth. For those who will be there, croissants await you! ;-)

IMPORTANT : Your car can be parked behind the commune (underground parking) up to 8h30 latest, but it can't be moved from there until 13h00! All other parking lots are closed due to the event!


In a few weeks' time, the community of Strassen will organise the "Stroossen Wibbelt" once again. As we promised our help last year, we want to offer the following activities :

  • geocaching with a special event cache
  • build your own throwie(s)

In order to do that, the commune has given us a booth where we can set up our stuff and depart for the geocaching activity. As we need some help to do this, I would ask you to please lend us a hand and contribute your valued help. You won't have to be an expert of throwies or geocaching, all we need is presence in the booth and a hand here and there.

The activities will start at 9h00 and end at 13h00 latest Geocaching will be held every hour for a duration of more or less 45 minutes each. Throwie building will go through the whole day. All funds will go directly to the pott of "Stroossen Wibbelt". The collected funds during the day (of all activities) will be sent to the "Kriibskrank Kanner" foundation located in Strassen.

So, please return your registration including your TShirt size and timeslot you want to spare by adding your name here below

Geocache "WibbelCat"

The idea was brought forward to design a "pot" which our participants should find geocache style. After having found the pot, everyone could donate a certain amount to it and it would be reburied for the next group. Anyone who has a kind of a plan, please enter your details here:


A classic container, inside a logbook and a donation box. That means that the container has to be big enough. So size = standard.

We might need two containers, though as we will make two caches


There will be 2 sorts of caches :

  • Traditional (easy) one : single location, single box
  • Advanced one :Multicache featuring 3 WPs and a final box


Locations of caches have been defined. Contact us for more information (sorry, no spoilers here)


Participants and timeslots

Shirt size Name timeslot(s) available
XXL Macfreak109 whole day
XL trollchen 9am - end
M Gunstick whole day
XL NPU whole day
XL BisLy  ??? It ends @ 1PM!!! 1pm - end
M Kwisatz 9am-2pm
Lala 10am - end


Geocaching Wibbelt.png

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