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Application to manage and index all borrowable stuff
Meetings: none
Type: software

Status: cancelled
Members: The metalgamer
Contact Person: The metalgamer (mail)
QrCode: QR-ce0841e5ad42a29a0b0dfc33f43fa183.png

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In a nutshell

syn2stock is - going to be - a system written in Python that allows you to check out / check in books & papers from the library in the Hackerspace with the help of QR Code technology. The QR Code is printed on each members membership card and it contains the GNUPG ID and the fingerprint of the GNUPG key and thus we identify the owner of the card. syn2stock will also handle all stuff which is stored in the Hackerspace.


The idea is it to write an application that indexes all of our "borrowable" or dynamic stuff, like books in the library or Arduino boards. The items should be handled in a database by the application and it should be reachable as website/interface too. The webinterface serves as information platform, like which book has been lent out by whom and when will it be back again approximately.

The system to borrow an item could be handled by the member cards of syn2cat. Because they should be equipped with bar code, magnetic tape or RFID technology.

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