Unicorn Tapeworm

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Unicorn Tapeworm
A Led chain in Engineering
Meetings: none
Type: software
Repository: https://github.com/syn2cat/Unicorn_Tapeworm/tree/main
Status: running
Members: Luna
Contact Person: F3l1x (mail)
QrCode: QR-704807b2ca5de4d7320e5f29f3459f1c.png

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The Unicorn Tapeworm

Multiple LED strips used to brighten up Engineering during winter months. Github


Wiring of PCB

The setup is compromised of :

  • 1 Esp32
  • 718 RGBW LED's
  • 96 RGB LED's
  • 1 Mosfet

The RGBW Strips are split in two:

  • RGBW 1 is 430 pixels long
  • RGBW 2 is 288 pixels long

The Mosfet is used to short the green PSU wire with ground, this enables you to power on or off the LED's whenever you want, the ESP32 is powered by a separate micro usb cable. The PSU is an old "server" powersupply and would ideally require replacement with a more fit for purpose one. 5V and Ground are connected to the LED strands with either some hacked together Molex connector or the Pcb. (Ground is also shared with the ESP32)

  • RGBW 1 -> Pin 13
  • RGBW 2 -> Pin 22
  • RGB 1 -> Pin 23
  • Mosfet -> Pin 15 + 3.3V


[[|WLED Setup]]

The ESP32 is running WLED , all you need to do is upload the latest version and configure the pins correctly.(see top) Alternatively you can use this file to simply reconfigure everything.

The WLED installation should be preconfigured in HomeAssistant with adequate colors. The settings can also be configured by accessing the setup page locally under the Esp's ip.

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