SYN2cat - the HackerSpace @ lu
This is not only about "hacking" and computers we embrace all forms of Arts and expressions!
A hackerspace or hackspace (from Hacker and Space)
is a real (as opposed to virtual) place where people with common interests,
usually in science, technology, or digital- or electronic art can meet,
socialize and collaborate. (wikipedia:Hackerspace)
To find out more about SYN2cat, download our information brochure in PDF format.
- Create an info-folder (see metalab) and talk to politicians and other influential people (in progress)
- Assemble text (done)
- Create layout (done)
- Grep VIP's addresses (done)
- Package (include letter) and ship (in progress)
- Wait 1 or 2 days, then call and talk to the people (in progress)
- Send out a press release (done)
- Get a location and infrastructure
- Promote!
These tasks are up for the taking or collaborative efforts. Please help yourself ;)
David: david_AT_mallory_DOT_lu
Steve: steve_AT_localhost_DOT_lu
Groups / Mailing List
If you'd like to be added to the mailing list to receive the latest news and regular updates, send a mail to info_AT_mallory_DOT_lu.
Friday, October 3rd, talked to Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner for a joint project. The project involves teaching young kids how to create and maintain a blog with all the privacy related issues explained in Kid-speak.
Monday, September 29th, worked on getting the LuxTrust Signing Key working on Gentoo Linux. Also distributed some flyers to c3l people. Steve sent out the press-release to 352 magazine. We should send the others by tomorrow then!!
Sunday, September 28th, I've produced a digital 8-page long version of the Info-Folder (12mb).
Monday, September 22nd, we had some new people over who take interest in our initative. The Surveillance project was updated and we took a group-photo for our press release
Monday, September 15th, Phread from paid us a visit and mostly technical stuff going on for he Surveillance project.
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