General Assembly March 2017

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General Assembly March 2017
General Assembly March 2016
Type of Event: Event
From: 2017/03/18 19:00
Till: 2017/03/18 22:00
Recurring: no
Organizer: syn2cat
Cost: 0 EUR0 $
0 £
Mandatory registration:

Attendees: Sid, Gunstick, Thierry, Slopjong
Log-in to RSVP
Contact Person(s): Gunstick (mail)
Where: Level2 (87, route de Thionville, Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
1000 m
5000 ft
Data CC-By-SA by OpenStreetMap
QrCode: QR-4a49a8113406911812e1786688c5b540.png
Add to your calendar: Download … further results
Alternate picture: None
Announce globally: no
Here we go again for an new regular General Assembly (GA).

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  • The date was proposed on bootstrap meeting of 2017-01-21.


Some items need to be done before the assembly

  • prepare voting sheets and result sheets
  • candidates have to do their candidature before start of GA
  • reserve a room


this can be modified until 1st March 2017

  • decide on voting board
  • activity report 2016
  • Presentation of 2016's receipts and expenditures
  • Discharge of the treasurer by our auditors
  • discharge of office
  • Haxogreen sponsoring
  • Presentation of new activities 2017
  • Election of a new administrative council
  • Election of a new treasurer
  • Election of president and vice president
  • Call for two financial auditors for 2018


To be candidate, you have to send an email to indicating if you want to be President, Vice-President, Treasurer or office member.

who post email date
Gunstick President 27.02.2017
marina Vice President 18.03.2017
sid Treasurer 18.03.2017
office member 00.00.2017

Vote delegations

Remember: do not announce delegations to people already listed below: they either are not coming or already have a delegation. First ask personally the delegate if s/he accepts.
Your proxy must bring a valid proof of delegation to the GA or you have to send a PGP signed email to

member's pseudo vote delegated to verified via
snezak (Marko) Gunstick Signature
macfreak rafiot Text message

Thus members (virtually) present: 13 (later 15)


Meeting started at: 19:21

  • 13 members present, with 2 additonal members by proxy
  • Total of 15 voting members

Candidates for office

  • Gunstick -> president
  • Marina -> vice president
  • Sid -> treasurer

People counting ballot: Leo and TGO

Past activity over last year

Covers March 2016 until February 2017

Receipts and Expenditures by Sid

The treasurer has asked members to set up standing orders in order not to forget to pay their membership fee. There was a loss on the drinks cashbox of 921.74€.

  • Discharge of treasurer (15/15)
  • Discharge of office (15/15)

HaxoGreen sponoring

After a broad discussion about the financial impact that this would have on syn2cat accounts, the sponsorship agreement for HaxoGreen 2018 has been accepted with 15 out of 15 votes.

The sponsorship agreement states the following benefits for syn2cat:

  • 10x4-day passes for HaxoGreen 2018 (5 of them should be distributed to non-syn2cat members in order for you to attract new members)
  • 10x day-passes
  • 1x tent for a village that you would set up


  • Sid: 14 (elected)
  • Marina: 13 (elected)
  • Gunstick: 11 (elected)

Administration council

Vote for presidents

  • vice president: Marina (14)
  • president: Gunstick (10)

Year 2017 financial auditors

  • Guy (13)
  • Pierre (13)

Closed at: 20:45

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