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A is for Apples. H is for Hacks
Participants: Macfreak109, Mich
Recording: 2009/10/12 05:00:00 PM
Broadcast: 2009/10/17 01:00:00 PM
Podcast Release: 2009/10/17 03:00:00 PM
Podcast: File:LetzHack ep3 20091017 podcast.ogg
Songs: See list of all songs
QrCode: QR-df221582585f7eb769ddb2ba7b55e107.png




  • Jingle
  • Intro: Preview of today's show
  • Review and Outlook: The Hacker Calendar, what Conventions and Events are upcoming?

  • Hacker News
    • If applicable: New Projects at the space.
    • If applicable: Upcoming Workshops.
    • Tool news (cf. Linux Magazin)

These are topics covered by mAcfreAk, initiator of and co-founder of syn2cat

RadioShow planing

Retro OpenWE

  • last WE was 36 hours non stop opening for visitors, enthusiasts and hackers alike. It was an opportunity to get to know each other better. Despite the weather, it was a success...30 visitors and over 20 hackers attended during the 2 days
  • a strong interest from the primary school and also secondary "lycées techniques" exists. Workshops are being planned and rolled out as we speak...LTEtt, LTAM <-> syn2cat

-hackers today meet in hackerspaces, but how was it in early days?

History of hackers

  • early models of hackerspaces : homebrew computer club (1975 - 1977) in Silicon Valley
  • Speak about the founders of Apple : Steven Paul Jobs and Steve Wozniak
    • 1975 : Woz working for HP and developing Atari Games with Jobs (PongBreakout)
    • Homebrew Computer Club : one of the first early gatherings of geeks and hackers
    • Altair8800 inspired Woz to enhance his teletyper invention with a proper microchip
    • Only microchips available were the intel8080 and Motorola6800, both around 170US$
    • release of 6502 (20US$) in 1976, Woz developed BASIC for it
    • 1976 : Apple I was sold at 500US$/piece by Paul Terrell of The Byte Shop, homecomputers were born
Song: Between Multiverses
Artist IAYD
Title Between Multiverses
Duration 2:52
Album Supergalactic
License CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5 (
Artist's website

Hi, I'm some kid who makes sounds with LSDj and sometimes FamiTracker. (

History of Apple

  • 1984 : Macintosh GUI inspired by stolen from ;) gifted by (it was actually one of XEROX directors who asked SJ if he could do sth with this useless stuff) Xerox PARC
  • introduction of the mouse as seen by Douglas Engelbart in 1968
  • inspired a lot of other OSes to follow its lead
  • 1997 : Steve Jobs back to Apple, leaving NeXT (MacOSX today inherited from NeXT)
  • 1998 : iMac is born (Hello again)
  • October 2001 : iPod (saves Apple from ruin)
    • iPod helped Apple big deal to survive
    • Sales run away, Apple makes profit again
  • 2007 : iPhone v1
    • revolutionary touch-interface
    • can't be bought everywhere
    • related to expen$ive contracts
    • gave way to hacks (jailbreaks, SIMunlocks)
Song: 4Shame
Artist glomag
Title 4Shame
Duration 2:48
Album DaMaGe
License CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5 (
Artist's website, glomag the failed child in a family of 14 ;)

Hacking Apples

  • Yes, you can hack every computer system
    • example of the Modbook : portable touchscreen system based on MacBook
  • mainly hacks for AppleTV and iPhone/iPodTouch
  • AppleTV
    • "mediacenter" from Apple where you can store your movies, photos, songs like iTunes
    • very Apple centered, no streaming possible, no external content : that sux!
    • hacks: replace the harddrive with a bigger unit, modify the OS-X release on the ATV
    • can be done by yourself (complex) or bought
Song: TaschenRechner
Artist Kraftwerk
Title TaschenRechner
Duration 4:32
Album The Mix
License Commercial
Artist's website

Kraftwerk: fathers of electronic music!

hackerspace and other clubs

  • Who is mAcfreAk?
  • What is
    • Unique AppleUserGroup in Luxemburgish
    • tries to present user support group for Apple stuff in general, available for free to all
    • only virtual for the moment under
    • no membership fee
    • plans on becoming an ASBL in the next year
  • What is the relationship btw seeds and hackerspace?
    • syn2cat approached me to develop synergies
    • personal interest was very high, also advantages for the "club"
    • talk about synergies with other clubs
  • open space philosophy : what is it? how can I take advantage of it?
    • -> Steve? Bartek?
Song: Courtship Dating
Artist Crystal Castles
Title Courtship Dating
Duration 3:30
Album Crystal Castles
License Commercial
Artist's website

Jonk band vun Toronto, Kanada. Lead Sängerin ass Alice Glass. Gegrënd 2004. 2008 gouff et e Skandal em e Bild dat d'Band ouni Lizenz op senger Merchandise benotzt huet. Spéider am Joër nach eng Problematik well samples vun engem CC-Lidd (Lo-bat, "My Little Droid Needs a Hand") benotzt gouffen ouni Attributioun. Dat gantzt nach eng Kéier mat samples vu Covox. D'Band seet se hätten d'CC Lizenz net violéiert well béid Songs mat deene Samples just op MySpace released gi sinn. (bessi laang den historique hei :) )

  • iPhone/iPodTouch
    • enduser device with touch interface
    • nice utility tool with more then 2Billion Apps that expand its useability
    • closed down architecture, to get your App on the AppStore, you need to pass Apple's checkup...that sux too!
    • free your iPhone : jailbreak vs SIMlock
Song: Prophet Punk
Artist Sputnik Booster And The Futur Posers
Title Prophet Punk
Duration 03:20
Album Robot Science
License CC 2.0 BY-NC-ND
Artist's website

Sputnik Booster And The Futur Posers present premium class electro Trash based on the legendary Soundchips of Commodore C64, Nintendo Game Boy & Atari ST.

More information

  • Look out to
  • free registration for new members
  • full access to resources
  • in future : meetings @ Strassen, look on site for more info
Song: Chip Hero
Artist Cornbeast
Title Chip Hero
Duration 05:20 (fadeout?!)
Album Chip Hero
License Probably free (as the songs are free to download and copy) (
Artist's website

Cornbeast is a musician making music on nintendo gameboys, 80's drum machines, modified toys, cheap synthesizers, DIY electronics, calculators, home computers, analog filters and stuff like that. Cornbeast is primarily a live act. To date I have made more than 20 gigs, which always are very energetic and passionate, and features me "dancing", sweating, joking and fiddling around with my music gear. STOCKHOLM.
  • Review and Outlook: The Hacker Calendar, what Conventions and Events are upcoming?
    • REKULT'09 purpose redecorating old houses to be torn down
      • Friday, October 16, 2009 at 7:00pm - Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 10:00pm
      • OekoZenter (next to "Sang a Klang") - 6, rue Vauban
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