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HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek
Do Announce no  +
EndDate 30 March 2012 16:00:00  +
Has Contact User:Macfreak109 +
Has PageName HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek +
Has attendee User:Macfreak109 +
Has cost 0 € (0 $, 0 £, 0 CHF)  +
Has date 28 March 2012 06:00:00  + , 29 March 2012 06:00:00  + , 30 March 2012 06:00:00  +
Has description Find out about the glamour and glory of scFind out about the glamour and glory of scientific gadgets by programming your robot, creating your LED lights or soldering your bristlebot. This EU primary school exclusive event can only be attended by their pupils and teachers. Interested? Ask us to perform at your school!erested? Ask us to perform at your school!  +
Has extraInfo ages 10-18  +
Has keyword science  + , week  + , eu  +
Has location EU Primary School, Kirchberg +
Has organizer Organisation:Syn2cat +
Has picture File:HacKids.png +
Has subtitle Science workshops  +
Is Event of Type Workshop  +
Is External yes  +
Is Recurring no  +
Is U19 yes  +
StartDate 28 March 2012 08:00:00  +
Url  +
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek + , HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek + , HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek + , HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek + , HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek + , HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek + , HacKidswiki/hackids EUScienceWeek +
Categories U19  + , Workshop  + , Pages with a map rendered by the Maps extension  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 March 2012 21:40:59  +
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